Examples of Manitoba Act in a sentence
They are responsible for acting within the guidelines provided by the Legal Aid Manitoba Act and Regulation.
S50 [Manitoba Act]; section 2.1 of OSC Rule 31-505 Conditions of Registration ; section 65 of the Derivatives Act (Québec), R.S.Q., c.
Constitution Act, 1867, and the reference to the Manitoba Act, 1870, in the footnote thereto.
This information is being collected under the authority of The University of Manitoba Act.
The Parties will continue to negotiate and attempt to agree on an approach and schedule to address on a government-to-government basis the remedying of the ongoing rift in the national fabric caused by Canada’s failure to act diligently to fulfill the obligations to the Manitoba Métis contained in section 31 of the Manitoba Act, 1870, which denied the Manitoba Métis their promised head start, as contemplated by sections 4.5.2 and 5.3 of the Framework Agreement.
Ultimately, the majority concluded that the plaintiffs were entitled to a declaration that the federal Crown had failed to implement the land grant provision contained in section 31 of the Manitoba Act, 1870 in accordance with the honour of the Crown.
Privacy and confidentiality are maintained in accordance with The Healthy Child Manitoba Act, The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA), and other pertinent legislation.
The Manitoba Act of 1870 provided for 1.4 million acres of land for the children of Métis families and was to ensure that current Métis landholdings were retained.
In the recent case of Manitoba Métis Federation Inc v Canada (Attorney General),36 involving land rights, the Manitoba Métis Federation sought a declaration that the lands the Métis people were promised in the Manitoba Act, 1870, were not provided in accordance with the government’s obligation under the honour of the Crown.
This personal information is being collected under the authority of The University of Manitoba Act.