Manual ballot definition

Manual ballot means a paper document produced by an election officer on
Manual ballot means a paper document produced by an election officer on which an individual records an individual's vote by directly placing a mark on the paper document using a pen or other marking instrument.
Manual ballot means a paper document produced by an election officer on which an

Examples of Manual ballot in a sentence

  • Manual ballot manipulation required.In addition to security vulnerabilities, there are no privacy controls around transmitting ballots via email attachments, or fax machines.

  • Manual ballot inspection Recount(x) denotes a full manual recount of the ballots x; it outputsa vector of results y (and thus, implicitly, the true election outcome as well; the manual recount is correct by definition).

  • Providers of PCS Services: Under the final guidance, a firm is a provider of PCS services if it provides PCS services to clients as an agent bank or it provides clients with access to an FMU or agent bank through the firm’s membership in or relationship with that service provider.

More Definitions of Manual ballot

Manual ballot means a paper document produced by [an] a county
Manual ballot means a paper document produced by an election officer on which an individual records an individual's vote by directly placing a mark on the paper

Related to Manual ballot

  • Provisional ballot envelope means an envelope printed in the form required by

  • Provisional ballot means a ballot voted provisionally by a person:

  • Ballot means the ballots accompanying the Disclosure Statement upon which certain Holders of Impaired Claims entitled to vote shall, among other things, indicate their acceptance or rejection of the Plan in accordance with the Plan and the procedures governing the solicitation process.

  • Sample ballot means a mock ballot similar in form to the official ballot printed

  • Signature means a tangible symbol or an electronic signature that evidences the signing of a record.

  • Regular ballot means a ballot that is not a provisional ballot.

  • Ballot card means any type of card or piece of paper of any