Map Frame definition

Map Frame means a two-sided metal informational display unit, including translucent covering and lock.
Map Frame means a two-sided metal informational display unit, including translucent covering and lock. The Ad Panel and the Map Panel are housed within the Map Frame.
Map Frame means a two-sided metal lnformatlonel display unit, induding translucent covering and lock.

Examples of Map Frame in a sentence

  • Map Frame Dimensions Including Logo Sizes and Locations‌ This Document is Superseded.For Reference Only.

  • As a result of processing the Sequence ProcessorFrame SelectorFrame Map Frame NodeHAWDSETYA0A1A3DMEVh1 hit_arg13_rel A0A1A3DMEVx0 x1 e0 ××||Figure 3.6: Semantic Frame Encoder and Decoder.

  • Figure 3-3: Object Detection Using Frame Differentiation Figure 3-4: Object Detection Using Frame Differentiation3.2.2 Object Detection Using Edge Map Frame differentiation method gives us information about the moving regions of the scene.

  • The appropriate frames are presented as targets for the patterns in the Frame Node layer, and the resulting error signals are backpropagated through the Frame Node Decoder weights to the Frame Node layer and on up to the first hidden layer of the SRN.It is important to note that self-organizing maps (like SARDNet) are conventionally trained Frame Node Modulator Map Frame Node Indicator Map Frame Map Frame Node Figure 3.11: Frame Map Self-organization.

  • Map Frame means a two-sided metal informational display unit, including translucent covering and lock.Member means a person who has subscribed to the Capital Bikeshare System.

  • The County will provide to the Contractor printed copies of the informational panels for the Station’s Map Frame.

  • Equipment includes, without limitation, a Station, Bicycle, Dock, Technical Platform, Map Frame, Terminal, Battery, Customer Key, and Bicycle and Station spare parts.

  • The optimal threshold T , which serves as the parsing measure, is the value that maximizes the F-measure, i.e.,T = max F.NInSomNet’s comprehension performance is evaluated based on how accurately the target Frame Node patterns are decoded into their components regardless of their activation, i.e., as the proportion Frame Node Modulator Map Frame Node Indicator MapFrame Map h1 movearg13_relA0A1A3DMEVx0 x2 e0Figure 14: Evaluation of Comprehension and Parsing.

  • Map Frame Dimensions‌ This Document is Superseded.For Reference Only.

  • Vehicles shall be furnished with advertisement space in the interior, for use exclusively by the CITY, in addition to space for route specific information (Map Frame and Brochure Area).

Related to Map Frame

  • Custom Local Area Signaling Service Features (CLASS) means certain call-management service features that are currently available from SBC-13STATE’s local networks. These could include: Automatic Call Back; Automatic Recall; Call Trace; Caller Identification and related blocking features; Calling Number Delivery; Customer Originated Trace; Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting; Selective Call Forward; and Selective Call Rejection.

  • Adjustment system means the complete device by which the vehicle seat or its parts can be adjusted to suit the physique of the seat's adult occupant; this device may, in particular, permit longitudinal displacement, and/or vertical displacement, and/or angular displacement.

  • Design Criteria Package means concise, performance-oriented drawings or specifications for a public construction project. The purpose of the Design Criteria Package is to furnish sufficient information to permit Design-Build Firms to prepare a bid or a response to the District’s Request for Proposals, or to permit the District to enter into a negotiated Design- Build Contract. The Design Criteria Package must specify performance- based criteria for the public construction project, including the legal description of the site, survey information concerning the site, interior space requirements, material quality standards, schematic layouts and conceptual design criteria of the project, cost or budget estimates, design and construction schedules, site development requirements, provisions for utilities, stormwater retention and disposal, and parking requirements applicable to the project. Design Criteria Packages shall require firms to submit information regarding the qualifications, availability, and past work of the firms, including the partners and members thereof.

  • Interconnection Feasibility Study means either a Generation Interconnection Feasibility Study or Transmission Interconnection Feasibility Study.

  • State Level Monitoring Cell means the body constituted by the State Government for the control and elimination of ragging in institutions within the jurisdiction of the State, established under a State Law or on the advice of the Central Government, as the case may be.

  • Brand Name Specification means a specification limited to one or more items by manufacturers’ names or catalogue number.

  • Functional Specifications means the descriptions of features and functions of the Application as expressly set forth in Quote.

  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) means the Contractual Commitment that prevails between the Buyer and the Service Provider with regard to type of service to be provided, deliverables, desired performance level, reliability and responsiveness, monitoring process and service level reporting, response and issue resolution time-frame, repercussions / penalties / remedies for service provider not meeting its commitment. The SLA of a particular contract may carry the matrix regarding the delivery of the goods and/or services and the corresponding penalties or remedies and liquidated damages as applicable.

  • NIST Cybersecurity Framework means the U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Version 1.1).

  • INTER-CONNECTION POINT/ DELIVERY/ METERING POINT means a single point at 220kV or above, where the power from the Project(s) is injected into the identified ISTS Substation (including the dedicated transmission line connecting the Projects with the substation system) as specified in the RfS document. Metering shall be done at this interconnection point where the power is injected into. For interconnection with grid and metering, the WPDs shall abide by the relevant CERC/ SERC Regulations, Grid Code and Central Electricity Authority (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations, 2006 as amended and revised from time to time.

  • technical specification means a document that prescribes technical requirements to be fulfilled by a product, process or service;

  • Service Descriptions means user manuals and other documentation relating to the Services that are made available to Customer by Provider in digital or hardcopy form, as updated from time to time.

  • Service Description means pre-defined descriptions of services found at current as of the effective date of the Order Form which in conjunction with a Scope Document (if any) defines the Services to be provided and becomes part of the Order Form.

  • Technical Specifications A specification in a document defining the characteristics of a product or a service, such as the quality levels, the environmental and climate performance levels, the design for all needs, including accessibility for people with disabilities, and the evaluation of conformity, of product performance, of the use of the product, safety or dimensions, as well as requirements applicable to the product as regards the name by which it is sold, terminology, symbols, testing and test methods, packaging, marking or labelling, instructions for use, the production processes and methods at every stage in the life cycle of the supply or service, as well as the evaluation and conformity procedures;

  • Development Location Point means a single point selected by the Applicant on the proposed Development site that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development. For a Development which consists of Scattered Sites, this means a single point on the site with the most units that is located within 100 feet of a residential building existing or to be constructed as part of the proposed Development.

  • frequency ride through as used herein shall mean the ability of a Small Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the system or equipment of the Transmission Owner and any Affected Systems during system disturbances within a range of under-frequency and over- frequency conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and consistent with any standards and guidelines that are applied to other generating facilities in the Balancing Authority Area on a comparable basis. The term “voltage ride through” as used herein shall mean the ability of a Small Generating Facility to stay connected to and synchronized with the system or equipment of the Transmission Owner and any Affected Systems during system disturbances within a range of under-voltage and over-voltage conditions, in accordance with Good Utility Practice and consistent with any standards and guidelines that are applied to other generating facilities in the Balancing Authority Area on a comparable basis.

  • Acceptable earned value management system means an earned value management system that generally complies with system criteria in paragraph (b) of this clause.

  • Delivery Schedule means the schedule for the delivery of Services as set forth in attached Annex 3.

  • Implementation Schedule means the Implementation Schedule in Section VII of the tendering documents.

  • Attachment point means a point on the network at which network assets are connected to assets owned by another person.

  • Service Specifications means the following documents, as applicable to the Services under Your order: (a) the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, the Program Documentation, the Oracle service descriptions, and the Oracle Corporate Security Practices; (b) Oracle’s privacy policies; and (c) any other Oracle documents that are referenced in or incorporated into Your order. The following do not apply to any non-Cloud Oracle service offerings acquired under Your order, such as professional services: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and Program Documentation. The following do not apply to any Oracle- provided Software: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies.

  • Earned value management system means an earned value management system that complies with the earned value management system guidelines in the ANSI/EIA-748.

  • Service Specification means and includes detailed description, statements to technical data, performance characteristics, and standards (Indian as well as International) as applicable and as specified in the Contract, as well as those specifications relating to Industry standards and codes applicable to the performance of the work, work performance quality and specifications affecting the work or any additional specification required to be produced by the Bidder to meet the design criteria.

  • Interconnection Point means the point(s) of connection(s) at which the project is connected to the grid i.e. it shall be at 11 / 22 kV bus bar level of substation of MSEDCL.

  • Summary report means the year end report containing the summary of a

  • Specification Schedule means the Schedule containing details of the Specification.