Examples of Margin Book in a sentence
If the characteristics of any Recording Point change, Network Rail must update each Margin Book and provide revisions or supplements to the relevant Access Party.
For each Track Access Agreement, Network Rail must compile a Margin Book setting out the characteristics of each Recording Point relevant to that Access Agreement.
If and to the extent that they do not agree within 28 days from the date of the Access Beneficiary being supplied with a copy of the first Margin Book under paragraph 5.1 or a revised Margin Book under paragraph 5.3 then either party may refer the failure to agree as a dispute for resolution under section 9.
In 2013 the High Court ruled they must be heard in the criminal jurisdiction.2 The breach therefore has to be proven beyond reasonable doubt.
For each Track Access Contract, Network Rail must compile a Margin Book setting out the characteristics of each Recording Point relevant to that Access Contract.
Recordings omitted in good faith which have not been created are nonetheless deemed accurate provided that Network Rail achieves the data completeness standard set out in the Access Beneficiary's Margin Book for the Recording Point in the relevant Accounting Period or on that day or otherwise applying under Appendix A, as the case may be.
Source: CSO statistical release 30 January 2018.There can be no assurance that the current relatively favourable economic conditions in Ireland will continue.
The particular category of standard which Network Rail is required to meet at a particular Recording Point for a particular Track Access Contract under Part B is set out in the Margin Book related to that Access Contract.
If agreement to amend the Margin Book is reached or it is determined by dispute resolution that the Margin Book should be amended, then Network Rail must amend the Margin Book appropriately within 28 days of agreement or the determination of the dispute process.
Installation in which the display part faces downward and the cable introduction part faces upward cannot be performed.Wiring Danger1.