Examples of Monitoring Point in a sentence
The NPDES effluent limitations are comprised of the Effluent Limitation Codes found in the Monitoring Point Detail Supplement and described in the Effluent Limitations Tables, including any modifications described in the joint CSMO/NPDES application.
During the period beginning on the effective date of this permit and lasting until the expiration date of this permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge treated municipal wastewater from Monitoring Point 001A through Outfall 001.
In respect of a Monitoring Point, the Cancelled Stops on a day allocated to Network Rail shall be the aggregate of any Cancelled Stops allocated to Network Rail under paragraph 5.2, paragraph 5.4 and paragraph 5.6.
Ambient Monitoring Point from WWDL (or as agreed with EPA)Irish Grid ReferenceRiver Station CodeBathing WaterDrinking Water The table below provides a summary of monitoring results for designated ambient monitoring points.
Following the ANOVA, the data from each downgradient Monitoring Point shall be tested at a 99% confidence level against the pooled background data.