Examples of Market Execution in a sentence
Quotes for Market Execution are filled with minimum or no re-quotes, or in some instances it may not be possible to arrange an order for execution.
It is noted, that re-quotes are not applicable for accounts or currency pairs with Market Execution or for Pending Orders.
In this case partial execution of orders is carried out by opening positions for the volume available from the liquidity provider, but for the remaining volume a new pending order of the same type is created; ● In conditions of insufficient liquidity, or when the liquidity provider refuses to execute the order at the specified volume using Market Execution, execution of orders in full volume for Stop Loss and Take Profit Orders becomes impossible.
Market Execution – Type of order execution when the Company makes a decision concerning the execution price without preliminary agreement with the Client.
The Client agrees that such possible occasional slippage is a natural consequence and feature of Market Execution and the Company is not responsible for it in any way.