Method of Execution. The parties agree that signatures and initials transmitted by facsimile, other photocopy transmittal, or by transmittal of digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal law will be acceptable and may be treated as originals and that the final Purchase and Sale Agreement containing all signatures and initials may be executed partially by original signature and partially on facsimile, other photocopy documents, or by digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal law.
Method of Execution. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and each counterpart shall be deemed a duplicate original.
Method of Execution. The Author shall operate autonomously, avoiding in any way to interfere with the organization of the Company, having been expressly forbidden to contact any of the staff of the Company. The need for cooperation by the Company staff (for example, for providing data and news, etc..) must be pointed out to the Company or the person in charge for the maintenance of operational contacts. - The Author shall determine independently the execution of his/her Service, except for the possibility of consenting with the Company profitable methods for both parties compatible with the nature and purpose of the activity in question. The Author shall execute the Service expected in this Agreement with an organization of his/her own means, using his/her own resources, fully independently and without any subordination to the Company.
Method of Execution. This Amendment will be executed and delivered via DocuSign.
Method of Execution. If a Payment Order does not indicate it requires expeditious processing via wire or phone, the Bank may transmit the Payment Order by any reasonable means. Value Dated Payment Orders may be executed by the Bank on the date of receipt, if received prior to the Bank's "cut-off time", unless a future value date is stated in the Payment Order instruction. Instructions requesting cancellation or amendment of a Payment Order must be transmitted to the Bank using the same level of Security Procedure as used for the original Payment Order. The Bank will honor all such properly transmitted requests received and accepted by the Bank's "cut-off time" of 4:00 PM (Eastern Time) on the Business Day prior to the value date, unless agreed with you otherwise in writing. The Bank shall have no obligation to act if the amendment or cancellation instructions are not transmitted to the Bank using the same or higher level of Security Procedures used by the customer for the original Payment Order. If amendment or cancellation instructions are transmitted to the Bank using an appropriate Security Procedure, and are received and accepted after the Bank’s cut- off time on the business day prior to the value date, the Bank shall use reasonable efforts to act on such instructions but the Bank shall have no liability if such amendment or cancellation is not effected.
Method of Execution. This Agreement may be executed by facsimile, which will be deemed an original. Alternatively, this Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, all of which taken together will constitute the entire agreement among the parties.
Method of Execution. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same agreement. Executed as of the date set forth above COMMONWEALTH EDISON COMPANY By ___________________________________ ___________________________________ [print name and title] NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY d/b/a Nicor Gas Company By ___________________________________ ___________________________________ [print name and title]
Method of Execution. The parties agree that signatures and initials transmitted by facsimile, other photocopy transmittal, or by transmittal of digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal law will be acceptable and may be treated as originals and that the final Lease Agreement containing all signatures and initials may be executed partially by original signature and partially on facsimile, other photocopy documents, or by digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal law. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Method of Execution. The parties agree that signatures and initials transmitted by facsimile, other photocopy transmittal, or by transmittal of digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal law will be acceptable and may be treated as originals and that the final Purchase and Sale Agreement containing all signatures and initials may be executed partially by original signature and partially on facsimile, other photocopy documents, or by digital signature as defined by the applicable State or Federal law. Exhibits and Addenda. All exhibits and/or addenda attached hereto, listed below, or referenced herein are made a part of this Agreement: N/A
Method of Execution. It is contemplated that this Agreement will be executed in numerous places and on different dates by the parties. Each party may execute a signature page on which its signature appears separately from the signatures of the other, and the signature pages of all parties will be gathered and attached to one copy of this Agreement. This method of execution, once accomplished, shall result in a binding contract.