Your Order Sample Clauses
Your Order constitutes an offer to Us to subscribe to the Service. All Orders are subject to availability and to acceptance by Us. We will send You an email acknowledging receipt of Your Order. Please note that this does not constitute acceptance by Us. The contract for Your Subscription is formed when We send You a subscription confirmation by email.
Your Order. 1.1 If you placed an order online, over the phone/web-chat, or have pre-ordered through our stores, then our acceptance of your order will take place only once we’ve dispatched it and not before. Sometimes, we may restrict the volume of items that can be sold in one transaction or of a particular type of Equipment. Once we’ve accepted your order, O2 shall continue to own any goods ordered until it has received payment in full from you or, if you have chosen to pay on credit, until we apply the credit as payment for the Equipment, even though the goods may have already been delivered to you.
1.2 If we are unable to accept your order, we’ll let you know. This might occur for a number of reasons including (but not limited to) because the Equipment is out of stock, a credit reference we have obtained for you does not meet our minimum requirements, we have identified an error in the price or description of the product or we are unable to meet a delivery deadline you have specified. You won’t be charged and any upfront payments you’ve made will be refunded to you.
1.3 When you buy from us you agree to give us any information we reasonably ask for in relation to this Agreement and that any information you give us is factually correct and up-to-date.
1.4 If you’re placing an order online, over the phone or if you’re paying on credit, you must give us your current email address and postal address so we can send you Notices and other important communications from us. You cannot provide us with addresses for businesses or organisations. You must keep these addresses up-to-date and/or tell us immediately if there are any changes to them. You're responsible for making sure your email address works and you'll be responsible for all consequences for errors in sending and receiving email (including our emails being directed to your "junk mail") unless we're negligent. If you want to update the email address we have for you, please do this online using My O2 or contact us. You can see the different ways to contact us by visiting the 'Contact Us' section of our Website.
1.5 Equipment we supply will fit with the manufacturer's description and packaging but digital Content (such as apps or software) preloaded on such Equipment may contain minor defects and such Content should be judged against quality standards proportionate to the value of those digital goods. Always keep your Content up to date. You have the right to reject defective Equipment within the periods of time set...
Your Order. You may order a Service or Product by various means, including a request written on paper and delivered to us, a request sent via facsimile to us, and a request sent via electronic communications to us. Our Acceptance of Your Order A Service or Product becomes subject to this Agreement when we accept your order by doing any of the following:
Your Order. If you (i) sign the Order (physically, electronically or otherwise); or (ii) provide a recorded verbal authorization to place the Order, you make a firm offer to us in which you shall be deemed to have: (a) read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to be legally bound by them; (b) acknowledged that the individual signing the Order represents and warrants that he or she is authorized to bind you to this Agreement; and (c) agreed to pay for the Services as described in the Order. Rates quoted for the Service are only for the specific items shown in the Order and rates for any other item (including any renewal) will be those in effect at the time of its publication or renewal.
Your Order. 2.1 Under the terms of this Agreement and subject to paragraph 2.2 below, you agree to purchase, and SMWS agrees to sell to you, the entire contents of the cask of Single Malt Scotch Whisky (the “Cask”) as selected on our website or shown in the order form in Appendix 2 (the website selection and / or the form in Appendix 2 being together the “Order Form”) at the Total Price detailed in that Order Form (“Your Order”). Where not otherwise defined in this Agreement or in paragraph 2.2 below, defined terms have the meaning given to them in the Order Form.
2.2 The estimates in Your Order are based on our very best calculations as on the date of latest sampling prior to Your Order. However, maturing whisky in casks for this length of time is a natural process, and the ultimate output may di er to these estimates. Therefore, you acknowledge and agree the following in relation to Your Order:
a) The Estimated Strength of the whisky is estimated on the date of latest sampling prior to Your Order, and may prove to be higher or lower once bo»led.
b) Similarly, the actual number of bo»les produced from the Cask is estimated as on the date of latest sampling and may prove to be less or more than the Estimated Quantity stated in Your Order (“Bo»led Whisky”).
c) Please note that approximately 2% of the contents of each Cask (and more in the first few years of being in cask) will evaporate through the wooden cask each year of the maturation period, which is an entirely natural process known as the “Angel’s Share”, and which will further reduce the Estimated Quantity.
d) You accept the risk that the total number of bo»les that you receive for the Total Price stated in Your Order may be less or more than the Estimated Quantity stated in Your Order, and will depend on a number of factors including the degree of Angel’s Share.
e) The Total Price will not be a ected by a higher or lower number of bo»les than the Estimated Quantity in Your Order, and the Total Price will be payable in full despite a lower output than the Estimated Quantity. Equally, if the ultimate number of bo»les you receive turns out to be more than the Estimated Quantity, they are yours to keep (subject to paragraph 3.5, the entire content of the Cask belongs to you).
f) The total number of Bo»led Whisky to be delivered and the exact Cask strength shall be confirmed to you on bo»ling.
Your Order. If you (i) sign the Order (physically, electronically or otherwise); or (ii) provide a recorded verbal authorization to place the Order, you make a firm offer to us in which you shall be deemed to have: (a) read and understood these Terms and Conditions and agree to be legally bound by them and any update thereto during the Term; (b) acknowledged that the individual signing the Order or providing the verbal authorization represents and warrants that he or she is authorized to bind you to this Agreement; and (c) agreed to pay for the Service(s) as described in the Order. Rates quoted for the Service(s) are only for the specific items shown in the Order and rates for any other item (including any renewal) will be those in effect at the time of its publication or renewal.
Your Order. If (i) the Advertiser signs the Agreement or (ii) these Terms and Conditions are delivered to you in confirmation of an authorized purchase Order, and the Advertiser does not cancel or modify the Order, thru a written request or by telephone, within the term of (15) calendar days after the execution date of the Contract or delivery date of confirmation of the purchase Order by Axesa, the Advertiser: (a) acknowledges and certifies that the person, legal or natural, that grants the Contract is authorized to subscribe, endorse and/or sing the Advertisement agreement, therefore, (b) the Advertiser agrees to pay in full for the Advertisement and Services as described in the covenants hereof. The Advertiser may submit his request for cancellation or modification by telephone by contacting the Customer Service Department at (000)-000-0000, within the term of (15) calendar days after the execution date of the Contract or by a written request to the following Email Address The rates provided for the Advertisement and Services only apply to the item(s) and/or directories that are disclosed in the Order, Contract and schedules. The rates for any other item or directory (including renewals) shall be those valid and in force at the time of publication. If the period to cancel disclosed herein coincides or concurs with the closing period or date(s) of the sales campaign of the Advertisement or Ad, directories, or corresponding Services, the term of (15) days to cancel or modify will be reduced to the number of days remaining for the closing of the sales campaign. Axesa, at its sole and exclusive discretion, may accept modifications to the Ad after the cancelation period if there is enough time before the closing of the sales campaign; and subject to the Advertiser agreeing to pay the charges and additional fees or new credit conditions that will result of such request. Changes in the Order after cancelation period must be expressly authorized by Axesa.
Your Order. 2.1 To place an order you must be 18 years of age or over. PORTL reserves the right to cancel your order in its absolute discretion if we should determine that you are not 18 years of age or over or if the device will not be used in accordance with the Terms and Conditions. We will inform you if we cancel your order on the above basis. Any payments you have made will be refunded to you.
2.2 You may place an order by filling in the order form on the PORTL web site after creating your personal account and clicking on the “place my order” button” or by contacting PORTL and ordering through a representative.
2.3 PORTL will not accept orders in any way other than that listed above.
2.4 When you place your order, we will issue you with a web order number. We will do this via the PORTL web site, unless you have placed an order through a PORTL representative, in which case we will issue your web order number when you contact us.
2.5 By placing an order, you make an offer to us to purchase the products you have selected on these Terms & Conditions along with PORTL’s Terms & Conditions set forth on We may or may not accept your offer at our discretion.
2.6 If we accept your order, we will notify you of our acceptance by issuing an order confirmation. We will send your order confirmation to you by email provided you have indicated an email address when ordering.
2.7 We will make every effort to supply you with the products listed on the order confirmation and there may be occasions where we are unable to supply these products because we are unable to source relevant components or are unable to supply the products due to demand. In such circumstances, we will contact you to inform you of the delay and anticipated delivery times.
2.8 You are limited to 5 PORTL M units per purchase order.
Your Order will be executed at the prices available on a Relevant Market (subject to any acceptable limit imposed).
Your Order. If you (i) sign the Order (physically, electronically or otherwise); or