Market Replacement Rate definition

Market Replacement Rate means either of the following: (i) if at least 25% of the par amount of the Collateral Obligations held by the Issuer consists of semi-annually pay floating rate Collateral Obligations, the single reference or base rate (which shall include a Base Rate Modifier) that is used in calculating the interest rate of at least 25% of the par amount of semi-annually pay floating rate Collateral Obligations held by the Issuer on the relevant date of determination as determined by the Collateral Manager as of the first day of the Accrual Period during which a Base Rate Amendment is proposed or (ii) the index rate of at least 50% of the par amount of floating rate notes priced in the preceding six months in new issue collateralized loan obligation transactions as determined by the Collateral Manager as of the first day of the Accrual Period during which a LIBOR Successor Rate is proposed by the Collateral Manager.
Market Replacement Rate. The base rate, other than LIBOR, that is used in (x) more than 50% (by principal amount) of the Floating Rate Obligations and such rate is a monthly or quarterly floating rate; provided that if less than 50% (by principal amount) of the Floating Rate Obligations use a quarterly rate option at such time, consent to such rate has been obtained from a Majority of the Controlling Class, or (y) at least 50% (by principal amount) of the quarterly pay floating rate securities issued in the new-issue U.S. collateralized loan obligation market in the prior three months provided that there have been in such period at least five new issuances by at least three different collateral managers (in each case, as determined by the Collateral Manager in its reasonable discretion), which in each case shall include a Base Rate Modifier that corresponds to the selected rate.
Market Replacement Rate means, as of any date of determination, either of (x) the rate that is consistent with the reference rate being used in at least 50% (by principal amount) of the quarterly pay Floating Rate Underlying Assets as of such date or (y) the rate that is consistent with the reference rate being used in at least 50% (by principal amount) of the floating rate securities issued in the new-issue collateralized loan obligation market in the three months prior to such date that bear interest based on a base rate other than the London interbank offered rate as chosen by the Asset Manager in its reasonable judgment. To the extent that no rate satisfies either the conditions in clause (x) or the conditions in clause (y), then the Market Replacement Rate will be the Designated Base Rate.

Examples of Market Replacement Rate in a sentence

  • Following a LIBOR Disruption Event with respect to the non-Benchmark Replacement Notes, the Collateral Manager shall, upon written notice to the Issuer and the Trustee, propose an Alternate Reference Rate that is either (x) a Designated Base Rate or a Market Replacement Rate or (y) an Alternate Reference Rate to be adopted pursuant to a Base Rate Amendment.

More Definitions of Market Replacement Rate

Market Replacement Rate. Either: (x) if 50% or more (by principal amount) of the Collateral Obligations are quarterly pay Floating Rate Obligations that bear interest based on a reference rate other than LIBOR, the rate that is consistent with the reference rate being used on at least 66 2/3% (by principal amount) of the Floating Rate Obligations that are quarterly pay, which shall include a Base Rate Modifier that corresponds to the selected rate or (y) if 50% (by principal amount) of the quarterly pay floating rate securities issued in the new-issue collateralized loan obligation market in the prior three months bear interest based on a reference rate other than LIBOR, the rate that is consistent with the reference rate being used on at least 50% (by principal amount) of the quarterly pay floating rate securities issued in the new-issue collateralized loan obligation market, which shall include a Base Rate Modifier that corresponds to the selected rate.
Market Replacement Rate has the meaning given to it in paragraph (c) of Clause 6.9 (Costs Incurred by and Indemnity to the Lenders and/or the French Authorities).
Market Replacement Rate means the average of the Quotations made by the Quoting Banks upon demand by the French Authorities, after disregarding the highest and lowest of those quotations;
Market Replacement Rate. The base rate, other than LIBOR, that is used on at least (x) 50% (by principal amount) of the Collateral Obligations; provided that such rate is a quarterly floating rate or (y) 50% (by principal amount) of the quarterly pay floating rate securities issued in the new-issue collateralized loan obligation market in the prior three months, which in each case shall include a Base Rate Modifier that corresponds to the selected rate.
Market Replacement Rate means, as of any date of determination, either of (x) the rate that is consistent with the reference rate being used in at least 50% (by principal amount) of
Market Replacement Rate. : means either of the following: (i) if at least 50% of the par amount of the Collateral Obligations held by the Issuer and issued in the preceding three months consists

Related to Market Replacement Rate

  • Replacement Rate has the meaning assigned thereto in Section 4.2.(b).

  • Settlement Rate has the meaning specified in Section 5.1.

  • Market Rental Rate means the rate of Base Rent, calculated on a triple net basis, being charged for a new lease for comparable space (including all relevant factors such as size, age, location and condition of the premises and improvements in place therein) within buildings (including, but not limited to, the Building) within the Northwest Quadrant of Austin, Texas during the previous six (6) months. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of Tenant’s renewal notice (and any required supporting information), Landlord shall notify Tenant in writing of the Market Rental Rate. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, Tenant shall notify Landlord that Tenant either (a) accepts Landlord’s renewal terms, in which event the parties shall promptly enter into an amendment to this Lease incorporating such terms or (b) rejects Landlord’s renewal terms. Failure of Tenant to respond within such fifteen (15) day period shall be deemed a rejection of Landlord’s terms. If Tenant rejects Landlord’s renewal terms, then within ten (10) days of such rejection, Landlord will (i) select a M.A.I. appraiser; (ii) Tenant will select a M.A.I. appraiser; and (iii) the two appraisers so selected shall agree upon a third M.A.I. appraiser (the “Third Appraiser”). Within thirty (30) days after the date the Third Appraiser is appointed: (x) the M.A.I. appraiser selected by Landlord shall submit a recommendation of the Market Rental Rate to the Third Appraiser; (y) the M.A.I. appraiser selected by Tenant shall submit a recommendation of the Market Rental Rate to the Third Appraiser; and (z) the Third Appraiser shall decide between the two recommendations so submitted, and the Market Rental Rate selected by the Third Appraiser shall be binding upon the parties. Each party will pay the cost of its own appraiser and one-half of the cost of the Third Appraiser. The failure of Tenant to exercise the Renewal Option within the time period set forth herein shall constitute a waiver and termination of such Renewal Option. This Renewal Option is personal to Tenant and is not assignable to any third parties, other than an affiliate of Tenant.

  • LIBOR Replacement Date has the meaning specified in Section 3.03(c).

  • Reset Reference Bank Rate means, in relation to a Reset Interest Period and the Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date in relation to such Reset Interest Period, the percentage rate determined on the basis of the 7-year Mid-Swap Rate Quotations provided by the Reset Reference Banks to the Fiscal Agent at approximately 11:00 a.m. (New York City time) on such Reset Rate of Interest Determination Date. If at least three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the lowest). If only two quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is provided, the Reset Reference Bank Rate will be the quotation provided. If no quotations are provided,

  • Benchmark Replacement Adjustment means, with respect to any replacement of the then-current Benchmark with an Unadjusted Benchmark Replacement, the spread adjustment, or method for calculating or determining such spread adjustment, (which may be a positive or negative value or zero) that has been selected by the Administrative Agent and the Borrower giving due consideration to (a) any selection or recommendation of a spread adjustment, or method for calculating or determining such spread adjustment, for the replacement of such Benchmark with the applicable Unadjusted Benchmark Replacement by the Relevant Governmental Body or (b) any evolving or then-prevailing market convention for determining a spread adjustment, or method for calculating or determining such spread adjustment, for the replacement of such Benchmark with the applicable Unadjusted Benchmark Replacement for Dollar-denominated syndicated credit facilities at such time.

  • Replacement Price means the price, determined by Buyer in a commercially reasonable manner, at which Buyer purchases (if at all) substitute SRECs having the same or subsequent Reporting Year as those SRECs not delivered by Seller for the deficiency or, absent such a purchase, the Market Price for such quantity of SRECs at or during the time that Seller fails to deliver the SRECs, provided that the Market Price shall never exceed the solar alternative compliance payment.

  • Current Rate means the applicable basic minimum wage rate for Local Workers by reason of any National or State Statute or Ordinance, prevailing on any date subsequent to the date 28 days prior to the latest date set for submission of Tenders.

  • Market Rate means the rate as prevailing in the market and recommended by the Architect and as approved by the Employer on the basis of cost of materials, labour, plant etc inclusive of any tax, duty, octroi etc. at the time of execution of work.

  • Reset Reference Banks means the principal office in the principal financial centre of the Specified Currency of five major banks in the swap, money, securities or other market most closely connected with the relevant Mid-Swap Rate as selected by the Calculation Agent in its discretion after consultation with the Issuer;

  • Fair Market Rental Rate means the Monthly Base Rent equal to the monthly base rental per rentable square foot which a tenant would pay and which a willing landlord would accept for space comparable to the Premises in the Building and in other buildings of class A standards in Seaport Centre and along the Highway 101 corridor in Redwood City and Redwood Shores (the “Applicable Market”) for the period for which such rental is to be paid and for a lease on terms substantially similar to those of the Lease (including, without limitation, those applicable to Taxes, Operating Expenses and exclusions, but also considering so-called net and triple net leases, and leases utilizing operating expense stops or base years, and making appropriate adjustment between such leases and this Lease, as described below), based on prevailing market conditions in the Applicable Market at the time such determination is made (“Comparable Transactions”). Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Comparable Transactions shall be for a term similar to the term of tenancy and for space comparable in use, floor levels, view and orientation, square footage and location within the Building and in the Applicable Market as the transaction for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; however, leases of unusual or odd shaped spaces shall not be considered. In any determination of Fair Market Rental Rate, the stated or contract monthly net or base rental in Comparable Transactions shall be appropriately adjusted to take into account the different terms and conditions prevailing in such transactions and those present in the Lease, including, without limitation: (a) the extent to which average annual expenses and taxes per rentable square foot payable by tenants in Comparable Transactions vary from those payable by Tenant under the Lease, and so, for example, if the Lease provides for payment of Rent Adjustments and/or certain Operating Expenses on the basis of increases over a base year, then the rate of Monthly Base Rent under the Lease shall be based upon a step-up to change the calendar year which serves as the base year for calculation of the base for such Operating Expenses for the Option Term to be the full calendar year in which the Option Term commences, and such step-up shall be considered in the determination of the Fair Market Rental Rate; (b) tenant improvements, value of existing tenant improvements, the concessions, if any, being given by landlords in Comparable Transactions, such as parking charge abatement, free rent or rental abatement applicable after substantial completion of any tenant improvements (and no adjustment shall be made for any free or abated rent during any construction periods), loans at below-market interest rates, moving allowances, space planning allowances, lease takeover payments and work allowances, as compared to any tenant improvement, refurbishment or repainting allowance given to Tenant under the Lease for the space for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; (c) the brokerage commissions, fees and bonuses payable by landlords in Comparable Transactions (whether to tenant’s agent, such landlord or any person or entity affiliated with such landlord), as compared to any such amounts payable by Landlord to the broker(s) identified with respect to the transaction for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; (d) the time value of money; (e) any material difference between the definition of rentable area and the ratio of project rentable to useable square feet in Comparable Transactions, as compared to such figures applicable to the space for which Fair Market Rental Rate is being determined; and (f) the extent to which charges for parking by tenants in Comparable Transactions vary from those payable by Tenant under the Lease.

  • Relevant Rate means the Benchmark for a Representative Amount of the Specified Currency for a period (if applicable or appropriate to the Benchmark) equal to the Specified Duration commencing on the Effective Date.

  • Turnover Rate means the period of time (usually in hours) required to circulate a volume of water equal to the pool or spa capacity.

  • Replacement Reference Rate means a reference rate which is:

  • Substitute Rate shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.2.3(b).

  • Reset Reference Rate means in respect of a Reset Period, the gross redemption yield (as calculated by the Agent Bank on the basis set out by the United Kingdom Debt Management Office in the paper “Formulae for Calculating Gilt Prices from Yields”, page 5, Section One: Price/Yield Formulae “Conventional Gilts”; Double dated and Undated Gilts with Assumed (or Actual) Redemption on a Quasi-Coupon Date (published 8 June 1998, as amended or updated from time to time) or if such basis is no longer in customary market usage at such time, in accordance with generally accepted market practice at such time, on a semi-annual compounding basis (rounded up (if necessary) to four decimal places) of the Benchmark Gilt in respect of that Reset Period, with the price of the Benchmark Gilt for the purpose of determining the gross redemption yield being the arithmetic average (rounded up (if necessary) to the nearest 0.001 per cent. (0.0005 per cent. being rounded upwards)) of the bid and offered prices of such Benchmark Gilt quoted by the Reset Reference Banks at 11.00 a.m. (London time) on the Reset Determination Date in respect of such Reset Period on a dealing basis for settlement on the next following dealing day in London. Such quotations shall be obtained by or on behalf of the Issuer and provided to the Agent Bank. If at least four quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided, eliminating the highest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the highest) and the lowest quotation (or, in the event of equality, one of the lowest). If only two or three quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded arithmetic mean of the quotations provided. If only one quotation is provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be determined by reference to the rounded quotation provided. If no quotations are provided, the Reset Reference Rate will be the previous Reset Reference Rate or (in the case of the first Reset Period) 1.581 per cent., where:

  • Market Disruption Rate means the rate (if any) specified as such in the Reference Rate Terms.

  • Benchmark Replacement means, for any Available Tenor, the first alternative set forth in the order below that can be determined by the Administrative Agent for the applicable Benchmark Replacement Date:

  • Payment Rate means the rate (expressed in €/MWh, €/Mvarh or €/MWs2h as appropriate) for the calculation of payments for DS3 System Services as specified in the Charging Statement;

  • SOFR Rate means the rate that will be calculated by the Calculation Agent for each Accrual Period on the SOFR Adjustment Date as of the SOFR Determination Time (or, if the Benchmark is not SOFR, the Reference Time) and, except as provided below following a determination by the Administrator that a Benchmark Transition Event and its related Benchmark Replacement Date have occurred, shall mean, with respect to the Class A-2b Notes as of any SOFR Adjustment Date, a rate equal to Compounded SOFR; provided, that, the Administrator will have the right, in its sole discretion, to make applicable SOFR Adjustment Conforming Changes.

  • LIBOR Daily Floating Rate means, for any day, a fluctuating rate of interest per annum equal to LIBOR as published on the applicable Bloomberg screen page (or such other commercially available source providing such quotations as may be designated by Administrative Agent from time to time), at approximately 11:00 a.m., London time, two (2) London Banking Days prior to such day, for Dollar deposits with a term of one (1) month commencing that day; provided that if the LIBOR Daily Floating Rate shall be less than zero, such rate shall be deemed zero for purposes of the Loan Documents.

  • Benchmark Replacement Date means the earliest to occur of the following events with respect to the then-current Benchmark:

  • Adjusted LIBOR Rate means, at any time with respect to any LIBOR Loan, a rate per annum equal to the LIBOR Rate as in effect at such time plus the Applicable Margin Percentage for LIBOR Loans as in effect at such time.

  • Fair Market Rental Value or "Fair Market Sales Value" shall mean with respect to any property or service as of any date, the cash rent or cash price obtainable in an arm's length lease, sale or supply, respectively, between an informed and willing lessee or purchaser under no compulsion to lease or purchase and an informed and willing lessor or seller or supplier under no compulsion to lease or sell or supply of the property or service in question, and shall, in the case of any Unit or an Owner Lessor's Interest, be determined (except pursuant to Section 17 of the Facility Lease or as otherwise provided below or in the Operative Documents) on the basis that (a) the conditions contained in Sections 7 and 8 of the Facility Lease shall have been complied with in all respects, (b) the lessee or buyer shall have rights in, or an assignment of, the Operative Documents to which the Owner Lessor is a party and the obligations relating thereto, (c) the Unit or the Owner Lessor's Interest, as the case may be, is free and clear of all Liens (other than Owner Lessor's Liens, Owner Participant's Liens and Indenture Trustee's Liens), (d) taking into account the remaining terms of the Site Lease and the Site Sublease, and (e) in the case of the Fair Market Rental Value, taking into account the terms of the Facility Lease and the other Operative Documents. If the Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Rental Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest is to be determined during the continuance of a Lease Event of Default or in connection with the exercise of remedies by the Owner Lessor pursuant to Section 17 of the Facility Lease, such value shall be determined by an appraiser appointed solely by the Owner Lessor on an "as-is", "where-is" and "with all faults" basis and shall take into account all Liens (other than Owner Lessor's Liens, Owner Participant's Liens and Indenture Trustee's Liens); provided, however, in any such case where the Owner Lessor shall be unable to obtain constructive possession sufficient to realize the economic benefit of the Owner Lessor's Interest, Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Retail Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest shall be deemed equal to $0. If in any case other than in the preceding sentence the parties are unable to agree upon a Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Rental Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest within 30 days after a request therefor has been made, the Fair Market Sales Value or Fair Market Rental Value of the Owner Lessor's Interest shall be determined by appraisal pursuant to the Appraisal Procedures. Any fair market value determination of a spare part or Severable Modification for purposes of Section 5.2(d) of the Facility Lease shall take into consideration any liens or encumbrances to which the spare part or Severable Modification being appraised is subject and which are being assumed by the transferee, and that such spare part or Severable Modification is being transferred on an "as-is", "where-is" basis.

  • Underlying Reference Value means, in respect of an Underlying Reference and a SPS Valuation Date, (i) the Underlying Reference Closing Price Value for such Underlying Reference in respect of such SPS Valuation Date (ii) divided by the relevant Underlying Reference Strike Price. For the avoidance of doubt, when determining (i) above the SPS Valuation Date shall never refer to the Strike Date.

  • Reference Bond Rate means, with respect to any date of redemption, the rate per annum equal to the annual or semi-annual yield (as the case may be) to maturity or interpolated yield to maturity (on the relevant day count basis) of the Reference Bond, assuming a price for the Reference Bond (expressed as a percentage of its nominal amount) equal to the Reference Bond Price for such date of redemption;