Marketing season definition

Marketing season or "fiscal year" means the twelve-month period beginning with July 1st of any year and ending with June 30th of the year following, both dates being inclusive.
Marketing season or "fiscal year" means the twelve-month period beginning with January 1 of any year and ending with the last day of December following, both dates being inclusive.
Marketing season means the period beginning July 1 of any year and extending through June 30 of the following year.

Examples of Marketing season in a sentence

  • Stencilling should be made in the Blue colour prescribed by GOI for Kharif Marketing season 2015-16.

  • Punjab, Haryana and MP are the major wheat surplus states and Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Haryana are the major rice surplus states.• Procurement is done in two ways:✓ From Farmers directly✓ Through Agents (Arhtias) in the mandies.• Foodgrains are procured at the minimum support price (MSP) declared by the Government of India at the start of each of Marketing season.

  • Marketing season for sorghum: April to March.Early deliveries refer to the deliveries in March and April for maize and March for sorghum.

  • A new scheme is to dispose the huge stock of pulses procured under Price Support Scheme (PSS) during Kharif marketing season 2017-18 and Rabi Marketing season 2018-19 by offering a subsidy of..`.15/- per kg over the issue price to State/UTs for utilization under various welfare schemes like Mid-Day Meal, Public Distribution System, ICDS etc...

  • Punjab, Haryana and MP are the major wheat surplus states and Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Haryana are the major rice surplus states. Procurement is done in three ways: Through Farmers Through Agents (Artias) in the mandies. Through takeover of wheat and acceptance of Custom Milled Rice from State Agencies and acceptance of Levy rice from millers. Foodgrains are procured at the minimum support price (MSP) declared by the Government of India at the start of each of Marketing season.

More Definitions of Marketing season

Marketing season or "fiscal year" means the twelve-month period beginning on June 1st of any year and ending with the last day of May, both dates being inclusive.
Marketing season or “fiscal year” means the period beginning November 1 of any year and extending through the last day of October of the following year.
Marketing season or "fiscal year" means the twelve-month period beginning January 1 and ending December 31, both dates being inclusive.
Marketing season means the period from the 1st May in one year to the 30th April of the succeeding year;
Marketing season or "fiscal year" means the period beginning July 1 of any year and extending through June 30 of the following years.
Marketing season means the twelve month fiscal year beginning upon the first day of July of any year and ending upon the last day of June, both dates inclusive.
Marketing season means the period from the 1st May in each year to the 30th April of the following year;