Martial law definition

Martial law or "martial rule" means the exercise of partial or complete military control over domestic territory in time of emergency because of public necessity.

Examples of Martial law in a sentence

  • Martial law may be proclaimed only when a state of national defence involving another country exists or when civil war prevails in Namibia: provided that any proclamation of martial law shall cease to be valid if it is not approved within a reasonable time by a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of all the members of the National Assembly.

  • Included in the definition: armed rebellion, revolution, sedition, insurrection, Coup d' Etat, the consequences of Martial law.

  • Martial law shall be canceled if Parliament does not approve the presidential edict for declaration (extension) of martial law within 48 hours after it has convened.

  • Martial law shall be similarly lifted by decree issued with the approval of the Supreme Council when the need, for which it was imposed, no longer exists.

  • In case of necessity defined by law, Martial law shall be declared by a decree promulgated with the approval of the Supreme Council on the basis of a proposal made by the President of the Union with the consent of the Council of Ministers of the Union.

  • Nor is it a question what rule a military commander, at the head of his army, can impose on states in rebellion to cripple their resources and quell the insurrection Martial law cannot arisefrom a threatened invasion.

  • Martial law was again declared, with Ershad as Chief Martial Law Administrator (in October 1982 Ershad changed his title to Prime Minister), aided by a military Council of Advisers.

  • Martial law was declared in the town and was extended to the end of January 2012, but voting on election day went ahead.

  • Martial law can be proclaimed when there is an imminent danger that is likely to hinder or prevent the normal functioning of the institutions of the Republic as a result of an attack by a foreign force, bloody disturbances or an armed uprising.

  • Martial law shall be canceled if Parliament does not approve the presidential edict for a declaration (extension) of martial law within 48 hours after it has convened.

Related to Martial law

  • criminal laws means all criminal laws designated as such under domestic law irrespective of whether contained in the tax laws, the criminal code or other statutes.

  • Personal Law means the law of inheritance and succession as applicable to the individual Unit Holder.

  • Environmental Law means any federal, state, or local statute or regulation regulating pollution, contamination, releases of hazardous or toxic substances, wastes or material into the air, land, soil, surface water, groundwater, or other medium, including, but not limited to, statutes or regulations regulating the cleanup of these substances, wastes, or material.

  • Hazardous Materials Laws means any laws, ordinances, regulations, rules, orders, guidelines or policies relating to the environment, health and safety, Environmental Activities, Hazardous Materials, air and water quality, waste disposal and other environmental matters.

  • Local Law means any code, law, ordinance, policy,

  • Hazardous Substance means any substance that is: (i) listed, classified or regulated pursuant to any Environmental Law; (ii) any petroleum product or by-product, asbestos-containing material, lead-containing paint or plumbing, polychlorinated biphenyls, radioactive materials or radon; or (iii) any other substance which is the subject of regulatory action by any Governmental Entity pursuant to any Environmental Law.

  • Environmental and Social Management Framework or “ESMF” means the framework dated May 2004 issued by the Recipient and outlining the environmental and social screening procedures to be followed during implementation of the Project including potential environmental and social risks and adverse impacts of the Project along with proposed mitigation measures;

  • Hazardous air pollutant means any air pollutant listed as a hazardous air pollutant pursuant to Section 112(b) of the FCAA.

  • Extremely Hazardous Substance has the meaning set forth in Section 302 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986, as amended.

  • Dangerous weapon means any weapon, device, instrument, material or substance which under the circumstances in which it is used, attempted to be used or threatened to be used, is readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury.

  • Explosives (1) means solid, liquid or gaseous substances or mixtures of substances which, in their application as primary, booster, or main charges in warheads, demolition and other applications, are required to detonate.

  • Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP means any pollutant listed by the EPA as a hazardous air pollutant in conformance with Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act. A list of these pollutants is available at the Division of Air Quality.

  • health and safety specification means a site, activity or project specific document prepared by the client pertaining to all health and safety requirements related to construction work;