Examples of Mass emission rate in a sentence
DRE is determined for each POHC from the following equation: where: Win = Mass feed rate of one principal organic hazardous constituent (POHC) in the hazardous waste fired to the boiler or industrial furnace; and Wout = Mass emission rate of the same POHC present in stack gas prior to release to the atmosphere.
The mass emission rate shall be obtained from the following calculation for any calendar day: Mass emission rate (lb/day) =8.34N N∑QiCii=1 Mass emission rate (kg/day) =3.79N N∑QiCii=1 in which 'N' is the number of samples analyzed in any calendar day.
The mass emission rate shall be obtained from the following calculation for any calendar day: Mass emission rate (lbs/day) = Mass emission rate (kg/day) = in which 'N' is the number of samples analyzed in any calendar day.
Mass emission rate limitations, where applicable, were determined using procedures outlined in the 1990 version of the Ocean Plan and a flowrate of 25 MGD.
Annual mass emissions shall be computed as follows: Annual Mass emission rate (kg/day) = (3.785/N) ∑ QiCi Where:N = number of samples in a yearQi = flow rate (MGD) associated with the ith sample, valid until a new sample is collectedCi = selenium concentration (mg/L) associated with the ith sample, valid until a new sample is collected When calculating selenium loads, the Discharger shall use estimated values and assume data reported below the method detection limit equal half of the detection limit.