Examples of Matched Principal in a sentence
Participants must notify the Operator of the Matched Principal Counterparty they wish to enter into a Transaction with, and the Matched Principal Counterparty must have notified the Operator that they will accept to enter into Transactions with the Participant.
The IRD Segment supports trading in Bilaterally Settled Transactions, Cleared Derivatives Transactions and (for government bond components of Package Transactions) Matched Principal Transactions.
This means that for any Transactions executed through the Company’s trading platform the Company is acting as an agent in a Matched Principal trading arrangement.
Dealing on own account with Clients is considered as the execution of client orders, and subject to best execution obligations.• Matched Principal: a transaction where the Company interposes itself between the buyer and the seller to the transaction in such a way that is never exposed to market risk throughout the execution of the transaction.
Anonymous Transactions are Bilaterally Settled Transactions against a pre-selected Matched Principal Counterparty.