Examples of Material irregularity in a sentence
Material irregularity: Payment made to a consultant firm without evidence of work performed AG ReportAction Plan & ProgressPayment made to a consulting firm without evidence of work performed A payment of R17 900 594 was made on the 20 April 2018 to a consulting firm for financial management services, without the required progress report supporting that the work had been performed.
All identified MIs are reported in audit reports16EXAMPLES OF MATERIAL IRREGULARITIES IDENTIFIED Material irregularity Addressing the MI Delayed payments to a Water Board responsible for a water infrastructure project resulted in temporary suspension of the project.
A complainant can appeal against a decision of a complaints panel only on the following grounds: Material irregularity in the Panel’s handling of a complaint A request for an appeal must be made in writing to the Clerk to the Governing Body, with a written summary of the perceived grounds for appeal.
List of MIs in remedial action stage, and status by 25 July 2023 Auditee Material irregularity Auditee Material irregularityReferral to public bodies for investigationWe made referrals to four public bodies for the investigation of 15 MIs at seven auditees.
List of MIs in recommendation stage, and status by 25 July 2023 Auditee Material irregularity (MI) Remedial actionWe took remedial actions for 25 MIs at 17 auditees.