Examples of Maximum Delivery Rate in a sentence
Without limiting any restrictions herein on Nameplate Capacity Rating, if Seller elects to increase, at its own expense, the ability of the Facility to deliver Net Output in quantities in excess of the Maximum Delivery Rate through any means, including replacement or modification of Facility equipment or related infrastructure, PacifiCorp shall not be required to purchase any Net Output above the Maximum Delivery Rate.
Any output of such Solar Array or Capacity Rights associated with such output shall be treated as Net Output above the Maximum Delivery Rate and is subject to Section 6.8.
PacifiCorp shall pay Seller the prices stated below for all deliveries of Net Output, and Capacity Rights, up to the Maximum Delivery Rate.
PacifiCorp shall pay Seller the prices stated below for all deliveries of Net Output, Green Tags and Capacity Rights, up to the Maximum Delivery Rate.
If Cal-Am’s customer in the service area’s potable surface water demand reaches the Maximum Delivery Rate of 80 percent or Maximum Day Demand, Cal-Am can purchase additional capacity to accommodate the increased volume and flows.