Maximum Demand definition
Maximum Demand means the highest load measured in average kVA or kW at the point of supply of a consumer during any consecutive period of 30 (thirty) minutes or as specified by the Commission, during the billing period;
Maximum Demand means the greatest demand required by a customer during a specific length of time.
Maximum Demand means the highest load measured in average kVA or kW at the point of supply of a consumer during any continuous period of thirty minutes during the billing period;
Examples of Maximum Demand in a sentence
In this case, the Maximum Demand Rate is modified as follows: Maximum Demand - The billing demand shall be the maximum thirty (30) minute demand recorded all weekday hours between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., except those on holidays.
Maximum Demand expressed in kW or kVA means twice the greatest number of kWh or kVAh recorded during any Demand Period.
If the Maximum Demand recorded is more than the sanctioned load, penal charges at two times the normal rate shall apply.
A Customer’s Maximum Demand in any month shall be determined by a suitable metering device acceptable to the Company.
The Maximum Demand of electric Energy supplied in any month shall be taken as the highest average load in kWs occurring during any 30 consecutive minutes of the month.
More Definitions of Maximum Demand
Maximum Demand means the average amount of KW or KVA, as the case may be, delivered at the point of supply of the consumer and recorded during a thirty minute period (fifteen minutes period in case of Railway Traction) of maximum use in the billing period, however, subject to the Licensee reserving the right to shorten this period in special classes of consumer, if necessary, with the approval of the Commission.
Maximum Demand. (also known as “Peak Demand”) means the highest 15-minute integrated demand created during the current and previous eleven (11) billing months at each voltage level, whether the Member-Consumer received service under this tariff or another Cooperative retail tariff.
Maximum Demand or “Demand” means the average KVA delivered to the point of supply of the Consumer during any consecutive period of 30/15 minutes (as per the integration period of meter) of maximum use during the month.
Maximum Demand means the highest load measured in kVA or kW at the point of supply of a consumer during consecutive period of 30 minutes or as laid down by the Commission, during the month;
Maximum Demand means twice the maximum number of kilo volt- ampere hours (kVAH) delivered at the point of supply to the consumer during any consecutive 30 minutes during the month in respect of consumer having contracted demand of less than 4000 kVA. However, for the consumer having contracted demand of 4000 kVA and above the maximum demand means four times the maximum number of kilo volt ampere hours (kVAH) delivered at the point of supply to the consumer during any consecutives 15 minutes during the month”.
Maximum Demand means the greatest of the Demand Values recorded during a given Meter Advance Period by Metering Equipment capable of recording Demand Values in each of the Half Hours of such charging period as may be identified by a Responsible Party;
Maximum Demand means for Large Power, Large Industrial andAlternative Energy Manufacturing Customers the highest 60-minute and for all other Customers the highest 15- minute integrated demand created during the current and previous 11 billing months at each voltage level, whether the Customer received service under this tariff or another.