Maximum Storage Quantity definition
Examples of Maximum Storage Quantity in a sentence
Keywords: emergency technology, intelligent FPGA, Internet of things, remote monitor and control, serial communication 1 Introduction Emergency is the need to deal with the sudden incidents, which contains two meanings: the objective, the event is sudden; subjective, the need to deal with such incidents.
Customer may request Seller to provide Storage Service under this Rate Schedule for quantities of Gas in excess of Customer's Maximum Storage Quantity.
During the injection period, the Pool Maximum Storage Quantity is determined each month based on the contract rights of the customers in the SVT Supplier’s pool.
Customer may request Seller to provide Storage Service under this Rate Schedule for quantities of gas in excess of Customer's Maximum Storage Quantity.
If acceptance of Shipper’s nomination for service would exceed Shipper’s Maximum Daily Injection Quantity or Maximum Daily Withdrawal Quantity or Maximum Storage Quantity or Maximum Daily Transportation Quantity, or would cause interruption of another shipper’s scheduled service, then such nomination will be accepted or rejected at Company’s sole discretion.