MDL IX definition
Examples of MDL IX in a sentence
Operating Code, of which the MDL IX is part, is substantially complete and ready for use.
The daily quantities of balancing gas purchased and sold by the Balancing Agent and the weighted average cost of the gas will be published on the MDL IX.
Once the GIC has approved the queuing rules, MDL will notify all Shippers of the amount of AQ available for allocation on the MDL IX and distribute AQ in accordance with such approved queuing rules.6.57.5 Subject to section 7.6, a Shipper will pay the AQ Fee in relation to every Day, regardless of that Shipper’s Approved Nominations for that Day.
It supports the following amendments: deletion of the references to the 'Industry Contingency Plan';increased information disclosure on the MDL IX; and the majority of the changes to the Prudential Requirements – sections 20.1, 20.2, 20.3(a), 20.6 and 20.7. However, Contact does not agree with the proposed changes to section 20.3(b) and 20.4(b), or the rationale MDL has given for them.
The April Change Request proposes changes that can be organised into three groups: Information on MDL IX (section 4);Prudential requirements (section 20); and Consequential changes and minor amendments.
The submissions made by Contact, EDNZ, MRP and Vector raise no objection to the proposed amendments in respect of the provision of information on MDL IX.
This document, and the other documents referred to above, can be viewed and downloaded from the Publications menu of the MDL IX under the heading “Critical Contingency”.
The Master Contracts are available on the MDL IX and proposals are being sought from the industry for the supply of Put Secondary Balancing Gas.
A review of the current tolerances on the Maui Pipeline and publication of a paper on the MDL IX setting out the findings on the appropriateness of the current tolerances.
The April Change Request proposes amendments to section 4 (MDL IX) of the MPOC.