Examples of Mean high water mark in a sentence
The elements of xi are chosen from a discreteDIRsymbol alphabet of size M with unit average symbol energy.
Mean high water mark definitions are set out in the Manual of the New South Wales Integrated Survey Grid.
Once this is done by the contract any sensitive features will be mapped and presented to the government for 17 "Mean high water mark" means the line of medium high tide between the spring and neap tides as per the Cook Islands Environment Act 1994-95); discussion and decision on the best alignment (recognizing that the cable’s footprint will be a few cm wide and for a virtually inert small submarine cable.
Mean high- water mark" means the line that water impresses on the land for sufficient periods to cause physical characteristics that distinguish the area below the line from above it.
Mean high water mark" means, for coastal waters having six inches or more lunar tidal influence, the average height of the high water over a 19 year period as may be ascertained from National Ocean Survey or U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tide stations data or as otherwis e determined under the provisions of the Coastal Area Management Act.(20) "Mottle" - means a feature(s) which occupies less than 50 percent of the total volume of a horizon or horizon subdivision.