Army Corps of Engineers. The Government’s obligation under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for this contract and until the Contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer. This requirement is in the financial plan for Fiscal Year 2020. The accounting classification is likely to be 021 NA 2020 2020 2020 2020. This statement is not a commitment of funds.
Army Corps of Engineers. Nothing herein shall be construed as a subordination to the operation of this project of any of Denver Water’s decreed water rights and exchanges. Upon execution of the agreement between Denver Water and Old Xxxxxx Reservoir Water Authority, Denver Water will withdraw its statements of opposition to all pending Old Xxxxxx Reservoir water court applications by Summit County and Towns of Dillon and Silverthorne.
Army Corps of Engineers. The use of the information involved with this agreement is by applicable management officials and supporting administrative staffs, payroll and accounting staffs, human resources staff and equal employment opportunity staffs to make payments and ensure equitable treatment. There are no additional uses that may be made of the information collected.
Army Corps of Engineers. WILMINGTON DISTRICT
Army Corps of Engineers. Further, this agreement would allow the cities of Durham and Raleigh to continue cost- share funding of a streamflow gauge in lower Xxxxxxx Creek near Xxxxx Road. This agreement will be in place for two years and it will align with the U.S. Geological Survey’s 2018 fiscal year (October 1, 2017 to September 30, 2018) and 2019 fiscal year (October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019). Stream stage and flow information is available to any interested party and can be accessed on the internet at the U.S. Geological Survey web site under Durham County: xxxx:// Rainfall information is available on the internet at the following web address: xxxx:// Long-term operation of the precipitation and streamflow network will ensure that permitting, water quality, flood forecasting, and urban stream restoration needs can be served. Long-term measurements are needed to evaluate how streams respond to intense periods of rainfall, including delivery of pollutants, stream bank collapse, and flooding potential.
Army Corps of Engineers. The use of the information involved with this agreement is by applicable management officials and supporting administrative staffs, payroll and accounting staffs, human resources staff and equal employment opportunity staffs to verify the status of your loan(s), make the payments to the appropriate note holder(s) and ensure equitable treatment. There are no additional uses that may be made of the information collected. 7 MSC Division, District, Laboratory, etc. authorizing student loan repayments.
Army Corps of Engineers. TEAM NEW ORLEANS
Army Corps of Engineers. Tulsa District awarded the contract for a total of
Army Corps of Engineers. The failure of Grantor to comply with this paragraph shall not impair the validity or enforceability of this Conservation Easement.
Army Corps of Engineers. (USACE) jurisdiction will be determined in the field using the presence of an ordinary high-water mark and the methodology in the USACE 1987 wetland delineation manual and any applicable regional supplements (e.g.