Examples of Measurement Error in a sentence
Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error.
Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics.
The Impact of Measurement Error in Auxiliary Variables on Model-based Estimation of Finite Population Totals: A Simulation Study.
C.2 Measurement Error in Survey DataTo assess the quality of our panel survey data, we first examine whether survey data on M- Pasandaz balances, which is potentially subject to measurement error due to inaccurate recall or misreporting, corresponds to our administrative data which is measured without error.
If no Material Measurement Error is found, the Party requesting the test shall pay the costs of such special test including any labor and transportation costs pertaining thereto.
Moore et al., Income Measurement Error in Surveys: A Review 5-19 (1997) (unpublished paper) (on file with the Census Bureau), https:// www.census.gov/srd/papers/pdf/sm97-05.pdf [https://perma.cc/TFC3-5HRV].
C., Larcker, D.F.: Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error.
Table 7.1a MQOs for Total Measurement Error (2007-2010 Data From Collocated SamplersUpper Bound 90th Percentile CV From Values> MDL) It should be noted that the data for ions are less precise on the whole than what was projected in 1999.
Measurement Error Studies at the National Center for Edu- cation Statistics, NCES 97–464, by S.
Statistical Methods For Assessing Measurement Error (Reliability) in Variables Relevant to Sports Medicine.