Medi definition
Examples of Medi in a sentence
The statement shall be signed by the Contractor and their personnel prior to access to Medi- Cal PII.
This includes the Social Security Administration’s Death Master File, the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES), the Office of Inspector General’s List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE), the System for Award Management (XXX), the National Practitioner database, as well as the DHCS’s Medi Cal Suspended and Ineligible Provider List (S & I List).
Each arbi- trator selected by the arbitrators or named by the Mediation Board shall receive from the Me- diation Board such compensation as the Medi- ation Board may fix, together with his necessary traveling expenses and expenses actually in- curred for subsistence, while serving as an arbi- trator.
Report at least 9 measures, cov- ering at least 3 of the NQS domains and report each measure for at least 50 per- cent of the eligible professional’s Medi- care Part B FFS patients seen during the reporting period to which the measure applies.
The State must also submit separate statewide projections for each year of the 36- month period, in both the aggregate and on a weighted average discharge basis, of inpatient expenditures under the State system and under the Medi- care principles of reimbursement.
IEHP does not allow Medi- Cal Suspended & Ineligible List Providers to participate in the IEHP network.
A service is not covered if it is specifically identi- fied as excluded from Medicare Part B coverage or is not a defined Medicare Part B benefit.Exclusion means the temporary or permanent barring of a person or other entity from participation in the Medi- care or State health care program and that services furnished or ordered by that person are not paid for under ei- ther program.General Counsel means the General Counsel of HHS or his or her designees.
CMS makes monthly advance payments equivalent to the HMO’s or CMP’s per capita rate of payment for each beneficiary who is registered in CMS records as a Medi- care enrollee of the HMO or CMP.
Additional obligations, in- cluding obligations to make refunds in certain circumstances, are established at section 1842(b)(3) of the Act.Claim means an application for pay- ment for a service for which the Medi- care or Medicaid program may pay.Covered means that a service is de- scribed as reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of illness or injury or to improve the functioning of a malformed body member.
This part establishes stand- ards and sets forth the requirements, limitations, and procedures for Medi- care services furnished, or paid for, by Medicare Advantage organizations through Medicare Advantage plans.[63 FR 35068, June 26, 1998, as amended at 70FR 4714, Jan.