Examples of Media sharing in a sentence
Media sharing that is not disclosed may not only be unexpected by the user, but also may violate privacy laws.
Social networking applications include but are not limited to: • Blogs• Online discussion forums, for example Facebook;• Media sharing services for example YouTube;• Professional networking sites, for example Linked In• ‘Micro-blogging’ application for example Twitter Where the school operates official networking sites, these must be managed and used in accordance with this policy.
Social networking applications include but are not limited to: • Blogs • Online discussion forums, for example Facebook; • Media sharing services for example YouTube; • Professional networking sites, for example Linked In • ‘Micro-blogging’ application for example Twitter Where the school operates official networking sites, these must be managed and used in accordance with this policy.
Blogs Wikis Social tagging and bookmarking Media sharing Podcasting 5.3 Newer Web 2.0 services There has been quick development in a number of new services, which will also change the environment of peer production in eLearning.
Social networking applications include but are not limited to:• Blogs• Online discussion forums, for example Facebook;• Media sharing services for example YouTube;• Professional networking sites, for example Linked In• ‘Micro-blogging’ application for example TwitterWhere the school operates official networking sites, these must be managed and used in accordance with this policy.
They must also be considered where Staff are contributing in an official capacity to social networking applications provided by external organisations.Social networking applications include, but are not limited to:Blogs, Online discussion forums, Collaborative spaces, Media sharing services, ‘Microblogging’applications.
Social networking applications include but are not limited to: • blogs i.e. blogger,• Online discussion forums, for example Facebook, Bebo, Myspace,• Media sharing services for example YouTube;• Professional networking sites, for example Linked In• ‘Micro-blogging’ application for example Twitter.
Media sharing sites (i.e. YouTube, Picassa and Flickr) or blogging platforms (i.e. blogspot, wordpress) are also members of this ecosystem called social media (Kietzmann et al., 2011).
Media sharing and bookmarking are structured to allow communities (i.e. virtual organizations) to grow up around resources.
Media sharing services, sites specializing in video or image sharing, were used by 76% of all participants with YouTube being most popular (73%) followed by Pinterest (14%).