Examples of Medical trend in a sentence
Medical trend factors are based on our Medical Economics Unit’s local trend and network experience, based on analysis of a continuous normalized population, excluding catastrophic claims.
Medical trend factors are based on our Medical Economics Unit’s national guidance coupled with local trend and network experience, based on analysis of a continuous normalized population, excluding catastrophic claims.
Medical trend factors are based on our Medical Economics Unit’s analysis of a continuous normalized population, excluding catastrophic claims.
Medical trend includes changes in unit costs of medical services or procedures, medical provider price changes, changes in utilization (other than due to advancing age), medical cost shifting, and new medical procedures and technology.
Medical trend is composed of three pieces: cost, utilization and intensity.
The actuarial assumptions included: a funding interest rate of 5.0%; a 2014 Medical trend rate, which reflects cost inflation expected to impact the plan based on the forecast in published papers industry experts (actuaries, health economists, etc.) of 7.0%; an ultimate trend rate, estimated to be reached in 2020, of 5.0%; dental trend rate of 5.0%; and that the remaining amortization period at December 31, 2016 is 30 years.
Level I Feedback & Resolution: Feedback and issues that arise during incidents on limited access highways which are not adequately addressed or resolved by these guidelines should be addressed at the local level.
Medical trend factors are based on our Medical Economics Unit’s Local trend and network experience, based on analysis of a continuous normalized population, excluding catastrophic claims.
Changes of assumptions and other inputs reflect the following:Discount rate Changed from 3.50% at June 30, 2019 to 2.21% at June 30, 2020 Mortality improvement Mortality improvement scale was updated to Scale MP-2020 Medical trend Decreased medical trend rate for Kaiser Senior Advantage plans Affordable Care Act (ACA) excise tax 2% load on cash liabilities for ACA excise tax was removed C.
The total OPEB liability was determined based upon a July 1, 2018 actuarial valuation using the following actuarial assumptions and other inputs, applied to all periods included in the measurement, unless otherwise specified: Actuarial cost method Entry Age Normal Discount rate 3.23%Inflation N/A Healthcare cost trend rates: Initial Medical trend rate 8.00%Ultimate medical trend rate 5.00%Year ultimate medical trend rate reached 2021 D.