Medicare Advantage plan means a plan of coverage for health benefits under Medicare Part C as defined in 42 U.S.C. 1395w-28(b)(1), and includes:
Income beneficiary means a person to whom net income of a trust is or may be payable.
Medicare means the “Health Insurance for the Aged Act,” Title XVIII of the Social Security Amendments of 1965, as then constituted or later amended.
Surviving Spouse means the widow or widower, as the case may be, of a Deceased Participant or a Deceased Beneficiary (as applicable).
Retiree means any person who has begun accruing a retirement
Designated Beneficiary means the beneficiary or beneficiaries the Participant designates, in a manner the Administrator determines, to receive amounts due or exercise the Participant’s rights if the Participant dies or becomes incapacitated. Without a Participant’s effective designation, “Designated Beneficiary” will mean the Participant’s estate.
Medicaid means that government-sponsored entitlement program under Title XIX, P.L. 89-97 of the Social Security Act, which provides federal grants to states for medical assistance based on specific eligibility criteria, as set forth on Section 1396, et seq. of Title 42 of the United States Code.
Eligible Dependent means a child of an Eligible Retiree who satisfies the requirements for eligibility described in the Eligibility section of this document.
Health care facility or "facility" means hospices licensed
Death Benefit means the insurance amount payable under the Certificate at death of the Insured, subject to all Certificate provisions dealing with changes in the amount of insurance and reductions or termination for age or retirement. It does not include any amount that is only payable in the event of Accidental Death.