Examples of meeting of the Council in a sentence
The ruling of the Mayor as to the construction or application of this Constitution or as to any proceedings of the Council shall not be challenged at any meeting of the Council.
Any motion to add to, vary or revoke these Council Rules of Procedure will, when proposed and seconded, stand adjourned without discussion to the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
A Time Critical item is defined as a matter that is considered urgent by the sponsor and that has a deadline for action that is prior to the next meeting of the Council and for which a report prepared by the City Manager, Auditor, Mayor or council member is received by the City Clerk after established deadlines and is not included on the Agenda Committee’s published agenda.The City Clerk shall bring any reports submitted as Time Critical to the meeting of the Agenda Committee.
The Act prescribes that where a member of Council (or a Committee of Council) has a direct or indirect financial (pecuniary) interest in a matter to be considered at a meeting of the Council (or Committee), that interest must be disclosed as soon as practicable after the start of the meeting and the reasons for declaring such interest.
The ruling of the Chairman of the Council as to the construction or application of this Constitution or as to any proceedings of the Council shall not be challenged at any meeting of the Council.
Where a Mayor exercises this right a list of the committees and their terms of reference must be tabled at the next following meeting of the Council.
The report is to be presented at an ordinary meeting of the Council within 2 months after the end of the month to which the report relates.
The Cabinet will prepare a report for submission to the next available meeting of the Council.
See also standing order 1 above a In an election year, the annual meeting of the Council shall be held on or within 14 days following the day on which the new councillors elected take office.
Such unresolved issues or disputes shall be submitted no later than the next regular meeting of the Council following the expiration date of this agreement or any subsequent anniversary date.