Examples of Megawatt Hours in a sentence
Service under this Service Classification QFCP-RC is limited to a Facility nominal nameplate rating of no more than 30 MWs, not to exceed 691.2 Megawatt Hours per day averaged on an annual calendar year basis.
Electricity is delivered in Megawatt Hours at a rate of 1 Megawatt Hour per lot, for transfer during each Settlement Period for the Delivery Day as specified in the Electricity Contract.
Electric Net Generation (Megawatt Hours) Based on the electric net generation (megawatt hours) at the end of the most recent calendar year.
The report shall include: a) the rated nameplate capacity of the permitted LWECS project; b) the total monthly energy generated by the LWECS in Megawatt Hours; c) the monthly capacity factor; d) yearly energy production and capacity factor; e) the operational status of the Project and any major outages, major repairs, or turbine performance improvements occurring in the previous year; and any other information reasonably requested by the Commission.
For the determination of the Injection Quantity and/or Withdrawal Quantity of storage contracts for which a conversion of Megawatt Hours (MWh) into Normal Cubic Meter (Nm³) (or vice versa) is required, the Calorific Value as actually measured by the relevant network systems operator shall apply.
In case of contracts where a conversion of Megawatt Hours (MWh) into Normal Cubic Meter (Nm³) is required to determine the maximum Injection Capacity, Withdrawal Capacity and/or Working Gas Volume, the conversion shall be made by applying a Calorific Value according to article 2 (1) 13 of the Gas-Systemnutzungsentgelte VO 2013 as amended from time to time.
From this date on, any Nominations and all monthly storage protocols shall be made/calculated exclusively in Megawatt Hours for all storage contracts.
MWh" or "Megawatt Hours" means 1000 kWh, where 1 kWh means 3,600,000 joules and where "joule" is as defined in ISO 1000:1992(E) or any standard replacing the same as nominated by ICE Endex.
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Abbreviation or TermDefinition or Meaning ACPS Annual Capacity Payment Sum AD Anaerobic Digestion AER Alternative Energy Requirement CfD Contract for Difference CHP Combined Heat and Power MIC Maximum Import Capacity MWh Megawatt Hours PPA Power Purchase Agreement PSO Public Service Obligation REFIT Renewable Energy Feed-In-Tariff SEM Single Electricity Market S.I. Statutory Instrument SMP System Marginal Price1.
Millions of Dollars50 40 LightingCommercial & Industrial Residential30 20 10 02003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012Fiscal yearColumbia Power and Water Systems Management’s Discussion and Analysis June 30, 2012 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS – POWER (continued) Megawatt Hours SoldMegawatt hours (MWH) sold decreased to 593 thousand in 2012 from 641thousand in 2011.