Examples of Mental Health Services Fund in a sentence
Funding under this NOFA is provided through the sale of bonds with interest payments on the bonds funded through the Mental Health Services Fund of the Mental Health Services Act (MHSA).
Item 4440-001-3085 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2009 is amended to read: 4440-001-3085—For support of Department of Mental Health, for payment to Item 4440-001-0001, payable from the Mental Health Services Fund ........................
Item 4440-101-3085 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2009 is amended to read: 4440-101-3085—For local assistance, Department of Mental Health, payable from the Mental Health Services Fund ........................
Community Mental Health Services Fund 8794 FY 2018 Org 0506 Personal Services and Employee Benefits...............................
Community Mental Health Services Fund 8794 FY 2019 Org 0506 Personal Services and Employee Benefits...............................
The MHSA allocates 20% of the Mental Health Services Fund for Prevention and Early Intervention (PEI) as a key strategy to prevent mental illness from becoming severe and disabling and improve timely access for underserved populations.
Existing law authorizes participating counties to pay for the services provided from moneys distributed to the counties from various continuously appropriated funds, including the Local Revenue Fund and the Mental Health Services Fund when included in a county plan, as specified.
Describe your ability to commit known State/Local funds (e.g. Mental Health Services Fund, etc.) for matching in order to support and sustain your proposed program during the term of this grant and beyond.
Section 5813.5 of the Welfare and Institutions Code is amended to read: 5813.5. Subject to the availability of funds from the Mental Health Services Fund, the state shall distribute funds for the provision of services under Sections 5801, 5802, and 5806 to county mental health programs.
This section is primarily supported by General Fund, the federal Mental Health Services Block Grant, and tobacco litigation settlement moneys that are credited to the Offender Mental Health Services Fund.