Mexican Stock Exchange definition
Examples of Mexican Stock Exchange in a sentence
The Mexican Stock Exchange, commonly known as Mexican Bolsa, Mexbol, or BMV, is the only stock exchange in Mexico.
The Common Stocks and Stocks associated units registered in the National Registry of Securities and listed at the Mexican Stock Exchange hereinafter (BMV) and will be denominated in the successive thing like “Individual Stocks”, whose particular characteristics are specified in the corresponding designated addendum “Specific Contract Terms” which also MexDer will publish in the Derivatives Market Indicators Bulletin hereinafter (“Bulletin”) with five Bank Business days before the trading season start.
The meaning of the defined terms (identified in bold and with initial caps) used in these Rules will be as stipulated in the Bylaws of the BMV (Mexican Stock Exchange), which may be viewed on-line ( under the section “Regulatory Framework”.
FIBRA Macquarie is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange and its CBFIs are understood by the Manager to be widely held.
First Majestic is incorporated in Canada with limited liability under the legislation of the Province of British Columbia and is publicly listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “AG”, on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol “FR”, on the Mexican Stock Exchange under the symbol “AG” and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the symbol “FMV”.
Submittal of quotes for celebrating Contracts will be seen on minimum fluctuations of the future price, according to the following criteria established by the BMV: Stock price (Mexican Pesos) Source: Mexican Stock Exchange The mentioned above in the understood that this table will be modified if the BMV determines it.
In recognition of this, the company qualified to be included in the Sustainability Index created by the Mexican Stock Exchange with shares of companies that meet their commitments in this field.
Yadav and Pathak (2016) and Haytko and Matulich (2008) found that environmental problems and their impact on human health has become a major issue among government and organizations.
The Shares are also listed on the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, the Mexican Stock Exchange (Bolsa Mexicana de Valores), the Singapore Exchange Limited and the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
It is one of the most important companies in the Mexican Stock Exchange index and in capitalization value.