Examples of Minimum Effective Dose in a sentence
Simultaneous Confidence Bands for Comparisons to Placebo, with Application to Detecting the Minimum Effective Dose.
The percent transmission reducing activity (TRA) measured in the SMFA assay around which there is confidence that blocking activity is present (Minimum Effective Dose, MED) has been set by consensus at 80%.
Minimum Effective Dose testsNo new data on the minimum effective dose have been submitted using either the applied hot fogging or cold evaporation methods.Minimum effective dose was evaluated for the existing product ‘BIOX-M’ as hot fogging un-der authori- zation number: 007502-00 in Germany.
Both the utility and the load will need the ability to change the availability on shorter notice, perhaps with economic consequences.
Paravertebral Oxygen-Ozone Infiltrations: High versus Low Doses: towards the Minimum Effective Dose.
In a number of animal species tested, including fish, birds, andmammals, 2,3,7,8-TCDD has beenshown to induce various reproductive, fetotoxic and teratogenic responses.With a No Observed Effect Level (NOEL) of about 0.001 micrograms per kilogram (μg/kg) in reproductive toxicity studiesin rats, and a Minimum Effective Dose (MED) of about 0.1 μg/kg/day in teratogenicity studies in rats and mice, 2,3,7,8-TCDD is one of the most, if not the most, potent reproductive/developmental toxicant known.
For this study, we need to determine the Minimum Effective Dose (MED) of b.i.d G-CSF injection to achieve an ANC of 500-1500 cells/μL.
This Extension of Forbearance and Amendment Number Seven to Credit Agreement (the “Amendment”), dated as of March 23, 2007, is made by and between ULTRALIFE BATTERIES, INC.
Higdon; “A Two Stage Approach to the Minimum Effective Dose Determination in Phase I St udies” by A.
Hothorn, Willem Talloen, Daniel Gerhard & Adetayo Kasim, Identification of the Minimum Effective Dose for Normally Distributed Data Using a Bayesian Variable Selection Approach.