Ministerial Committee definition

Ministerial Committee means the Ministerial Committee for General Security Service Affairs appointed under section 5;
Ministerial Committee means the Committee referred to in section 17I(1);
Ministerial Committee means the Ministerial Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Committee established by the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board at the ministerial level and vested with authority to conduct public procurement and the disposal of public assets on behalf of its departments, consistent with the procedures set out in this Act;

Examples of Ministerial Committee in a sentence

  • The approach will remain the same: 29 new Pradeshiya Sabhas from five provinces (Central, North Western, Southern, Uva, and Western) which have not been supported under the LGIIP and LGESP will first have to submit a reform plan approved through a council resolution, which will be reviewed and confirmed by the Ministerial Committee of MPCLG to ensure that the minimum reform requirements are met.

  • Therefore the administrations agree to participate in a Joint Ministerial Committee (JMC) consisting of UK Government, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Ministers.

  • A Committee of officials from the UK Government and the devolved administrations will shadow the Joint Ministerial Committee and prepare for its meetings.

  • This Memorandum is supplemented by agreements on the establishment of a Joint Ministerial Committee and for certain other areas where it is necessary to ensure uniform arrangements for relations between the UK Government and the three devolved administrations.

  • A1.4 The Joint Ministerial Committee may also meet in other “functional” formats: for example, JMC Europe (JMC(E)) or JMC Domestic (JMC(D)).

More Definitions of Ministerial Committee

Ministerial Committee means the Ministerial Committee as provided for in Article 10;
Ministerial Committee and "Privatization Decision" accordingly), in decision number "7/חמ", (which canceled decision number "9/חמ" of the Ministerial Committee of February 8th, 2013) decided to privatize Tadmor tourism, hotelier and culinary school (Main Hotelier School Ltd. [in liquidation]), via voluntary liquidation. In addition, the Privatization Decision instructs the liquidator of Tadmor School, High school and Hotel, to work with an oversight committee, that was established according to the Privatization Decision, in order to assign Tadmor School, High school and Hotel's rights and obligations to a third party who will be announced as the Successful Bidder in the Procurement Process (as defined below).
Ministerial Committee and "Privatization Decision" respectively), in decision number "7/חמ", (which canceled decision number "9/חמ" of the Ministerial Committee of February 8th, 2013) decided to privatize Tadmor tourism, hotelier and culinary school (Main Hotelier School Ltd. [in voluntary liquidation]) (hereafter: "Tadmor"), via voluntary liquidation. In addition, the Ministerial Committee decided, that the liquidator of Tadmor, will work with an oversight committee, that was established according to the Privatization Decision, in order to arrange Tadmor's assets and debts and to choose a third party or a group of parties who will be announced as the Successful Bidder in a Procurement Process in accordance with the Privatization Decision (the "Concessionaire") and to assign Tadmor's rights and obligations in accordance with an assignment agreement to the Concessionarie (hereafter: the "Entrepreneur").
Ministerial Committee. ’ means the Ministerial Committee on Marine Spatial 20
Ministerial Committee means the preparatory ministerial committee for the Egyptian Sudanese High Committee.
Ministerial Committee means a committee of the Ministers 20
Ministerial Committee means the Committee referred to in section 171(1);