Examples of Minnesota Courts in a sentence
The Minnesota Courts understand the importance of translating forms and documents so that LEP individuals have greater access to the courts’ services.
The Minnesota Courts are committed to providing LEP training opportunities for all staff members who come in contact with LEP individuals.
In other cases during the 15M, women (and men) did have some success with this challenge.
Research and Evaluation Unit, Minnesota Supreme Court, Summary Information on Juvenile Delinquency Petitions in Minnesota Courts (March 2005).
The Minnesota Courts have no jurisdiction over EPA’s and the Corps’ conduct, nor the ability to remedy violations of federal law against EPA and the Corps.
To download forms to fill out please visit the Minnesota Courts website.
EPA and the Corps are not involved in the proceedings before the Minnesota Courts.
MMB includes many of these services in previous Results Firsts reports (available at mn.gov/mmb/results-first).We primarily used data from the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Minnesota Courts, supplemented with context and data from a sample of Minnesota counties: Beltrami, Dakota, Grant, Hennepin, Olmsted, Ramsey, Scott, and St. Louis.
Staff Interpreters: Staff interpreters are employees of the Minnesota Courts and are not subject to these enforcement procedures.
If the Court has concerns about a party’s ability to understand the proceedings,a Guardian under Minnesota Courts Rules of Civil Procedure 17.02 should be appointed for that party This is different than the Guardian ad Litem program.