Non-Network means any hospital, day care centre or other provider that is not part of the network.
Core Network means the transport infrastructure identified in accordance with Chapter III of Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013;
Provider network means an affiliated group of varied health care providers that is established to provide a continuum of health care services to individuals;
Open Wireless Network means any network or segment of a network that is not designated by the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Information Technology or delegate as a protected network (designed, tested, and approved, by means of the State, to transmit) will be considered an open network and not adequately secure for the transmission of unencrypted PI, PFI, PHI or confidential DHHS data.
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) means the optical interface standard that allows inter-networking of transmission products from multiple vendors. The base rate is 51.84 Mbps (“OC 1/STS 1”) and higher rates are direct multiples of the base rate, up to 13.22 Gbps.
BT Network means the communications network owned or leased by BT and used to provide a Service.
Local Area Network or “LAN” means the infrastructure that enables the ability to transfer IP services within Sites (including data, voice and video conferencing services).
Network Customer means an entity receiving transmission service pursuant to the terms of the Transmission Provider’s Network Integration Transmission Service under Tariff, Part III.
Mobile Network means the network facilities and/or network services comprising the public cellular network for the provision of Call Communications.
Area network means a type of electric distribution system served by multiple transformers interconnected in an electrical network circuit, generally used in large, densely populated metropolitan areas.
Digital network means any online-enabled application, software, website or system offered or utilized by a transportation network company that enables the prearrangement of rides with transportation network company drivers.
Wireless support structure means a freestanding structure designed to support or capable of supporting small cell wireless facilities. Wireless support structure does not include a utility pole.
Custom Local Area Signaling Service Features (CLASS) means certain call-management service features that are currently available from SBC-13STATE’s local networks. These could include: Automatic Call Back; Automatic Recall; Call Trace; Caller Identification and related blocking features; Calling Number Delivery; Customer Originated Trace; Distinctive Ringing/Call Waiting; Selective Call Forward; and Selective Call Rejection.
Network User means a customer or a potential customer of a transmission system operator, and transmission system operators themselves in so far as it is necessary for them to carry out their functions in relation to transmission;
Data Universal Number System (DUNS) Number means the 9-digit number assigned by Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. (D&B) to identify unique business entities.
Network plan means health insurance coverage of a health insurance issuer under which the financing and delivery of medical care including items and services paid for as medical care are provided, in whole or in part, through a defined set of providers under contract with the carrier.
In-network or "participating" means a provider or facility
Digital Signal Level 0 (DS-0 means the lowest-level signal in the time division multiplex digital hierarchy, and represents a voice-grade channel operating at either the 56 Kbps or 64 Kbps transmission bit rates. There are twenty-four (24) DS-0 channels in a DS-1.
ACH Network means the funds transfer system, governed by the NACHA Rules, that provides funds transfer services to participating financial institutions.
Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) is an optical interface standard that allows inter-networking of transmission products from multiple vendors. The base rate is 51.84 Mbps (“OC-1/STS-1”) and higher rates are direct multiples of the base rate, up to 13.22 Gbps.
Signaling System 7 (SS7) means a signaling protocol used by the CCS Network.
Digital Signal Level 0 or "DS0" means the 64 Kbps zero-level signal in the time-division multiplex hierarchy.
Network Data Mover (NDM) or “Connect Direct” means the industry standard protocol for transferring information electrically.
Network Service User means an entity using Network Transmission Service.
Network Upgrades means modifications or additions to transmission-related facilities that are integrated with and support the Transmission Provider’s overall Transmission System for the general benefit of all users of such Transmission System. Network Upgrades shall include:
Brand Name Specification means a specification limited to one or more items by manufacturers’ names or catalogue number.