Examples of Portable source in a sentence
Portable source" means any operation, process, or emissions unit, other than mobile sources, that emits or has the potential to emit any regulated air pollutant and is specifically designed to be and capable of being moved from one (1) location or site to another location or site and is moved to other locations or sites at least one (1) time during the term of the permit.
Portable source examples include facilities such as gravel crushers, associated processing equipment, and asphalt plants.
Therefore this definition (Portable source) will not be included in the rule at this time.
Comment #030-8AWB’s comment -(((71))) (69) "Portable source" means a stationary source* or source consisting of one or more emission units that is portable or transportable for the purpose of being operated at multiple locations.
Portable source code such as J2ME cannot access some contents or has writing limits for some oth- ers.