MISO South definition
Examples of MISO South in a sentence
For purposes of negotiating a compensation agreement for the integration of MISO South, the Parties agree that the Settlement Agreement filed and accepted in Docket Nos.
No. 4 (documenting MISO’s flows between MISO Midwest and MISO South).
As the Commission has already determined, “the transfer of control of the Entergy transmission facilities to MISO necessitates the renegotiation of the MISO-SPP JOA.”83 This finding strongly supports the notion that the JOA, if interpreted to permit MISO to send unreserved, uncompensated market flows over SPP’s transmission system to reach the newly integrated MISO South region, is not just and reasonable.
The MISO South region integrated into MISO effective December 19, 2013.
The Flows Occurring on SPP’s System Cannot Be Defended as Ordinary “Loop Flows.” It is undisputed that MISO only has a single interconnection path of 1,000 MW interconnecting MISO Midwest and MISO South.
The MISO Midwest region has approximately 146,000 MW of generation capacity, and approximately 103,000 MW of load.Despite the vast size and generation capabilities of the disparate MISO regions, MISO has but a single interconnection path of only 1,000 MW to connect the MISO Midwest and MISO South regions.
After the D.C. Circuit issued its opinion on December 3, 2013, vacating and remanding the Commission’s orders, SPP sent a letter to MISO seeking assurance that “MISO will refrain from any flows of energy between the MISO Midwest Region and the new MISO South Region .
Indeed, MISO is on record acknowledging its planned transfers of at least 4,000 megawatts between MISO Midwest and MISO South, using SPP capacity for the bulk of these transfers, in order to bring the benefits of MISO’s market to Entergy.86 Every other customer desiring to use SPP’s transmission system is required to execute a service agreement, secure a transmission reservation, and schedule and pay for service.
If the MISO Total Transfer is a negative value, then the direction of the transfer is from the MISO Midwest region to the MISO South region.
The ASC Usage is simply the difference between the MISO Capacity Requirement and the MISO Contract Path.The MISO Capacity Requirement is comprised of three (3) components: the MISO South Region Balance, the MISO South Region Transactions and the Regional Pseudo-Tie (“RPT”) Flow.