Examples of Mode of instruction in a sentence
Mode of instruction will be a blend of presentations, for topics (1) and (2), and concrete illustrations in R, for topics (3) and (4).
Dedicated Tutor: Stephen Nuttall Stephen's Email: s.nuttall@tamuct.edu Mode of instruction and course access: This course is a synchronous online class with materials and lectures made available online via the A&M-Central Texas Canvas Learning Management System [https://tamuct.instructure.com].
Mode of instruction: The number of schools, at each instructional level (elementary, middle, high), in the SAU that are offering fully remote or online-only instruction; both remote/online and in-person instruction (hybrid model); and/or full-time in-person instruction, and2.
Mode of instruction is not captured within enrollment data collection.
Mode of instruction and course access:This is a face to face 8-week Web-enhanced course.
Mode of instruction has resulted in significant declines for programs that support campus programming due to declines in funds.
Techniques like think-aloud sessions and hierarchical task anal- ysis can be utilized for capturing and segmenting instructor’s knowledge while they perform an experiment.• Mode of instruction: Voice-based instructions were reported to a useful feature for independent learning that takes place individually or outside of the laboratory sessions.
Mode of instruction and course access:This course meets face-to-face, (with supplemental materials made available online).
A South African multilingual dictionary is available in the li- brary.• Mode of instruction is contact for programmes this prospectus.• Some programmes are avail- able on the distance mode.
Hours (per week) Mode of instruction Hybrid Online In personRationale: Explain whythe course or range of courses fits within the specific Common Core area(s) and requirements forwhich STEM major (s).