Monitoring Body definition
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Any such third-party certificates and audits that covered controls similar to this Code, but not less protective, are considered in the verification process of the Monitoring Body.
The Monitoring Body verifies that the Cloud Service complies with the Code by information originating from the CSP.
The CSP must notify the Monitoring Body if there are any changes to the provided certificates or audits.
The different levels of compliance relate only to the levels of evidence that are submitted to the Monitoring Body.
However, to those Controls that the CSP has not provided any equivalent third-party certificate or audit, the Monitoring Body verifies that the Cloud Service complies with the Code by information orig- inating from the CSP.
Provided that the aforementioned criteria are met, the Monitoring Body may consider such third-party certifications or audits as sufficient evidence for the compliance with the Code.
Each third-party certificates and audits that were considered in the verification process by the Monitoring Body shall be referred in the Monitoring Body’s report of verification, provided that the findings of such certificates were sufficiently and convincingly reported and documented towards the Monitoring Body and only to the extent such certificates and audits are in line with the Code.
The Monitoring Body shall, if consid- ered necessary, in consultation with the Steering Board, define further requirements on such individ- ual reports, such as accreditation and training for auditors against the provisions and requirements of this Code.
However, the Monitoring Body will verify whether (a) any third- party certification or audit provided by the CSP applies to the Cloud Service concerned, (b) such third party certification or audit provided by the CSP is valid, (c) such third-party certification or audit has assessed and sufficiently reported compliance with the mapped controls of the third-party certifica- tion or audit concerned.
With regards to internationally recognized standards, the Monitoring Body will consider the mapping as provided by the Controls Catalogue.