Monitoring Day definition
Examples of Monitoring Day in a sentence
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) - Environmental Aids and Assistive/Adaptive Technology Durable Medical Equipment – Training in Usage, Repairs, and Modifications Personal Assistance Services – Cueing and Monitoring Day Services that provide for on-site structured day activity typically for Enrollees with pervasive and extensive support needs who are not ready to join the general workforce.
The Graduated Sanctions Policy and Matrix describes responses to technical violations of community supervision that include options such as increasing community supervision, referral to Community Correction’s Home Detention, Electronic Monitoring, Day Reporting and Community Service Program.
If any Monitoring Day is a Disrupted Day in respect of any Share, then such Monitoring Day will be deemed not to be a Monitoring Day and shall be accordingly disregarded for the determination of the Number of Monitoring Days and the Number of Triggering Days.
World Water Monitoring Day engages people of all ages in monitoring the condition of local rivers, streams, estuaries and other water bodies.
It’s a good idea to keep copies of MSDS sheets in the appropriate test kits.Additional Safety Suggestions for Monitoring Day Check the weather report before leaving the school.
North American Lake Management Society.) Monitoring, continued from page 1.National Monitoring Day Join in the Year of Clean Water Celebration!QIf volunteers are testing for water temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity/water clarity on National Monitoring Day, then why doesn’t LAKEWATCH monitor them on a regular basis?LAKEWATCH does regularly monitor turbidity/water clarity.
Ready, steady, monitor!World Water Monitoring Day willbe celebrated on 18 October.This annual event aims at draw- ing direct attention to water quality by measuring for four basic water quality indicators (temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity) at numerous places on the same day.
The top participants were the US, Taiwan, Germany, Australia and Canada.This year, the event is being spon- sored by the International Water Association.To register go to www.worldwa- All the results will be captured in World Water Monitoring Day summary reports.Limpopo water crisis calls for actionThe municipality of Polokwane has concluded an agreement with the Lepelle Northern Water Board to transfer water supplies directly to the city from theOlifants River, about 100 km away.
One way that you can participate is to get involved with the National Water Monitoring Day (see related article).
Five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) of the contribution will be used to the Commission for education or outreach based programs or initiatives such as its World Water Monitoring Day Program, the Pinelands Short Course, Pinelands Research Series, or any other educational program that raise awareness and appreciation of the resources in the Pinelands Area or research projects evaluation of the resources of the Pinelands Area.