Monitoring Method definition
Examples of Monitoring Method in a sentence
For international flights, as defined in Annex 16, Volume IV, Part II, Chapter 1, 1.1.2, and Chapter 2, 2.1, not subject to offsetting requirements, as defined in Annex 16, Volume IV, Part II, Chapter 3, 3.1, the aeroplane operator shall use either a Fuel Use Monitoring Method, as described in Annex 16, Volume IV, Appendix 2, or the ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT), as described in Annex 16, Volume IV, Appendix 3.
The aeroplane operator, with annual CO2 emissions from international flights subject to offsetting requirements, as defined in Annex 16, Volume IV, Part II, Chapter 1, 1.1.2, and Chapter 3, 3.1, of less than 50 000 tonnes, shall use either a Fuel Use Monitoring Method or the ICAO CORSIA CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool (CERT) as described in Annex 16, Volume IV, Appendices 2 and 3 respectively.eligibility to the use of the ICAO CORSIA CERT.
The condition Monitoring Method describes the technique for the collection and evaluation of information about the condition of components or parts of it.
Adopted: June 16, 2020 GOVERNANCE CULTUREGC-6 Annual Work Plan Monitoring Method: Board Self-assessment Monitoring Frequency: Annually The Board will follow an annual work plan that includes continuing monitoring and review of all policies; dialogue sessions with community, employee and student groups; and activities to improve Board performance.
If a State shares data, then this will include: a) Date and time (in Universal Time Coordinated); b) Generic code to de-identify aeroplane operator information and allow integration of information; c) ICAO aircraft type - model designator; d) Flight Great Circle Distance (in km); e) Block hour (in hours to 2 decimal places); f) Fuel used (in tonnes to at least 1 decimal place based on a fuel use monitoring method as described in Appendix 2; and g) Type of Fuel Use Monitoring Method used.
Implementation Schedule: Measures to be implemented throughout construction.5. Monitoring Method: Applicant shall consult with and apply for permits through the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District.
E., “A Monitoring Method for Gasoline Vapour Giving Detailed Composition,” Ann.
Subcontractor Monitoring Method 3 The AAA may accept the completed DAAS Service Monitoring Tool(s) and backup source documentation from the monitoring of a subcontractor completed by the provider.
Table 22: Environment Monitoring Method and Results ItemMethodResultsAir qualityTo collect 3 samples at one place per day (Total 3 days at 3 places)Parameters of dust, CH and SO2 were over the limit of Vietnamese Standard in 2005 and 2006 but hadlessened to the level within the national standard.
Monitoring Method: Staffauthorities by calling the 911 emergency telephone number or another emergency telephone number.