Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment definition
Examples of Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment in a sentence
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 7(C) or 7(D) shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Committed Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of each Committed Shipper’s Monthly Volume Commitment or Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment, as applicable.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 7(C) or 7(D) shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Committed Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of each Committed Shipper’s Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 26(C) or 26(D) shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Committed Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of each Committed Shipper’s Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 26(C) or 26(D) shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Committed Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of each Committed Shipper’s Monthly Volume Commitment or Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment, as applicable.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 100(c) or 100(d) shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Committed Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of each Committed Shipper’s Monthly Volume Commitment or Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment, as applicable.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 100(c) or 100(d) shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all CommittedShippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of each Committed Shipper’s Monthly Volume Commitment or Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment, as applicable.
Except as provided in Item 7(C)(2), Carrier shall allocate each Committed Shipper an amount of System Capacity equal to the lesser of the Committed Shipper’s Nomination for the Proration Month for Committed Rate Movements or its Monthly Volume Commitment or Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment, as applicable.
If a Committed Shipper Nominates volumes in excess of its Monthly Volume Commitment or Monthly Deemed Volume Commitment, as applicable, then the excess incremental volumes shall be subject to prorationing under Item 7(E) below along with Uncommitted Rate movements under Item 7(D) below.