VC Shipper definition
Examples of VC Shipper in a sentence
In the event Carrier refuses to accept Barrels of Crude Petroleum Tendered by a VC Shipper for transportation under this tariff or a TGSA because such Shipper has been (i) in violation of this tariff, or (ii) in material breach of a TGSA at the time the Barrels are Tendered to Carrier, then no reduction shall be made to a Deficiency Payment if, as a result of such refusal, such VC Shipper fails to ship its Monthly Volume Commitment for such month.
The terms of a TSA shall govern the rights of a VC Shipper and Carrier with respect to the payment or nonpayment of Deficiency Payments and/or other charges set forth in a TSA.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 18(A), (B), and (C) above shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Priority Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of its Deemed Volume Commitment in the case of an AcreageDedication and its Volume Commitment in the case of a VC Shipper.
In the event Carrier refuses to accept Barrels of Crude Petroleum Tendered by a VC Shipper for transportation under this tariff or a TGSA because such Shipper has been (i) inviolation of this tariff, or (ii) in material breach of a TGSA at the time the Barrels are Tendered to Carrier, then no reduction shall be made to a Deficiency Payment if, as a result of such refusal, such VC Shipper fails to ship its Monthly Volume Commitment for such month.
Any remaining System Capacity not allocated through the application of Items 18(A), (B), and (C) above shall be allocated first, pro rata, among all Priority Shippers having remaining unmet Nominations according to the level of its Deemed Volume Commitment, in the case of an Acreage Dedication Shipper and a Plant Dedication Shipper, and its Volume Commitment, in the case of a VC Shipper.
In order to qualify for the 5 Year Term Committed Rate, a VC Shipper must have entered into a GSA with Carrier, with such GSA having a minimum term of 5 years following the In-Service Date.
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In the event Carrier refuses to accept Barrels of Crude Oil Nominated or Tendered by a VC Shipper fortransportation under this tariff or a GSA because such Shipper has been (i) in violation of this tariff, or (ii) in material breach of a GSA at the time the Barrels are Nominated or Tendered to Carrier, then no reduction shall be made to a Deficiency Payment if, as a result of such refusal, such VC Shipper fails to ship its Monthly Volume Commitment for such month.
In the eventCarrier refuses to accept Barrels of Crude Oil Nominated or Tendered by a VC Shipper for transportation under this tariff or a GSA because such Shipper has been (i) in violation of this tariff, or (ii) in material breach of a GSA at the time the Barrels are Nominated or Tendered to Carrier, then no reduction shall be made to a Deficiency Payment if, as a result of such refusal, such VC Shipper fails to ship its Monthly Volume Commitment for such month.