Examples of Monthly interval in a sentence
Monthly interval energy data or accumulated energy data (as applicable) will be delivered in the aseXML:r19 NEM12 or NEM13 format.
Variation in leave due to child or family reasons (e.g. multiple or premature births; poor health or disability of child or mother; single parent); or delegation of leave to person other than the father • None.
The net invested graph automatically adjusts to a monthly or a yearly interval depending on the client's account history and the advisor's performance start date selection.• Monthly interval: when the selection of accounts has less than a year and a half worth of history.• Yearly interval: when the selection of accounts has more than a year and a half worth of history.Historical market values and net invested amounts are taken directly from Croesus.
Definitions: (a) "Monthly interval" means a one-month time period between established pay days.
Monthly interval for selected 3 materials, viz., AAC blocks, cement, steel was made for knowing their actual demand and total use.
Amend Note 2 of Table D.3.1 to read: Note 2: Monthly interval for the monitoring stations(s) to be located in the south-western part of the site adjacent to residences.
SIP facility is available for L&T Triple Ace, L&T Monthly Income Plan (MIP) and L&T Gilt Fund -Investment Plan.TERMS OF SIPMinimum Investment• At least 6 cheques for an equal amount of Rs. 1000/- or more for all schemes.Investment IntervalInvestors can invest at Monthly interval by submitting post-dated cheques.
Monthly interval examinations will continue until about 30 weeks.