Examples of MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme in a sentence
If MTN Zakhele Shareholders do not approve the resolutions required to give effect to the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme (or, for any other reason, the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme fails to become operative), neither the MTN Zakhele Integrated Unwind nor the MTN Zakhele Standalone Unwind will proceed and none of the above unwind options will be available to MTN Zakhele Shareholders.
It is not MTN’s intention, through Wind-up Co, to repurchase MTN shares from related parties at a premium.To the extent that there are any residual assets and/or liabilities remaining in MTN Zakhele after the implementation of the Winding-up Transfer Agreement and the implementation of the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme on the Operative Date and relevant settlement dates, it is proposed that Wind-up Co and MTN Zakhele will enter into the Amalgamation Agreement.
As set out more fully in paragraphs 4.1 to 4.5 of this Circular, the MTN Zakhele Integrated Unwind (or MTN Zakhele Standalone Unwind, as applicable) will provide for the settlement of MTN Zakhele’s funding obligations and the distribution of the MTN Zakhele Net Assets (after providing for expenses of and relating to the unwinding and associated taxes) to MTN Zakhele Shareholders in accordance with their elections of MTN Zakhele Scheme Consideration under the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme.
TRANSACTION CONDITIONS PRECEDENT9.1 Conditions precedent to the MTN Zakhele Re-investment OfferThe offer in terms of the MTN Zakhele Re-investment Offer is conditional upon the 2016 MTN BEE Transaction proceeding and on the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme becoming unconditional in accordance with its terms.
As such, it is not feasible for this amount not be known at that date.The amendment is therefore aimed at increasing certainty for MTN Zakhele Shareholders as to the MTN Zakhele Scheme Consideration to which they may be entitled under the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme and at enabling the Capital Structure Model to be timeously finalised.
The MTN Zakhele Scheme Circular (including as an annexe thereto, the Prospectus) proposing the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme and including the MTN Zakhele Re-investment Offer will be sent to MTN Zakhele Shareholders on or about 12 September 2016, and will also be made available electronically to MTN Zakhele Shareholders via web platforms.
Szalaj, ‘Die künftige Regelung des Umfangs der Nacherfüllung im Kaufrecht’, 8 Die Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Insolvenzrecht 2012, p 321.
MTN Zakhele Shareholders will continue to hold their MTN Zakhele Shares and will not receive a distribution of the MTN Zakhele Net Assets as contemplated under the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme (that is, none of the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme Options will be available for distribution to MTN Zakhele Shareholders).
If the MTN Zakhele Unwinding Scheme proceeds, MTN Zakhele will be consolidated by MTN after the unwind transaction.
Parliament shall, upon expiry of five years from the date of commencement of this Act, and pursuant to Article 59(4) of the Constitution, review the mandate of the Commission with a view to amalgamating the Commission with the commission responsible for human rights.