Examples of Multiphase project in a sentence
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SW19 4AA (Agenda Item 7) Proposal: Multi-phase project to expand existing science block with erection of new storey, the refurbishment of the Hastings building, demolition of existing dining hall, part demolition of Lewis House, erection of new assembly hall, erection of sixth form centre and rooftop junior play area plus the creation of a sixth form courtyard on the site of the old dining hall and Lewis House footprint.
Approve agency agreement between the Coachella Valley Association of Governments and the City of Cathedral City for a Multi-phase project to improve Date Palm Drive, between Interstate 10 and Varner Road, with a total estimate cost of $3.116 million and authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the agreement on behalf of the City Council.
Multi-phase project with funds committed to all phases 50 points Multi-phase project plan completed for all phases 50 points Applications with less-than-complete funding commitment and/or incomplete plans will reduce their point score accordingly.
Owing to the high dispersion of scores of the projects, summative conclusions can hardly be drawn from their average scores.The Teacher Training project within the Multi-phase project was given the lowest scores on average.
Ethnography could not be applied as there was no on-going project which could have been examined.Focus group interviews were held in two cases: in the Debate Competition of the Multi-phase project and with the members of the Representation, the MoFA and the EP Information Office.
The subscribed capital amounts to EUR 7,018,000.00 as of December 31, 2021 (pre- vious year: EUR 7,018,000.00) and is divided into 7,018,000 bearer shares with a notional interest in the subscribed capital of EUR 1.00 per share.