Examples of Multiple purposes in a sentence
Multiple purposes include but are not limited to, usage as a bridge asset transferring value between different exchanges, conducting transactions on the DEX, trading between fiat currencies, purchasing tokenized gold and silver, purchasing other digital assets such as, Bitcoin and Ether and transferring those assets to digital exchanges and/or wallets, and utilizing XRP for cross-border payments between the United States, Mexico, Europe, the Philippines, Thailand, and other foreign countries.
Establish and carry out a Continuum of Care planning process and operate a Continuum of Care.(c) Multiple purposes.
Establish and carry out a Con- tinuum of Care planning process and operate a Continuum of Care.(c) Multiple purposes.
D., Bohme, R.: Multiple purposes, multiple problems: A user study of consent dialogs after GDPR.
Multiple purposes can drive the development of personomies, as individual labels do not necessarily refer to the content of the objects but can also denote author, origin, data form, work process, or other characteristics of the object salient to the individual.Single ObjectsCollection of ObjectsIndividualObject labellingPersonomyCommunalObject labelling consensusFolksonomy Figure 2.