Uptime Percentage definition

Uptime Percentage means Uptime expressed as a percentage, calculated in accordance with the following formula:
Uptime Percentage. The Uptime Percentage is calculated using the following formula: where Downtime is measured in user-minutes; that is, for each Applicable Period, Downtime is the sum of the length (in minutes) of each Incident that occurs during that Applicable Period multiplied by the number of users impacted by that Incident. Service Credit: Table of Contents / Definitions Downtime: Any period of time when end users are unable to read or write any Service data for which they have appropriate permission but this does not include non-availability of Service add-on features.
Uptime Percentage means the Maximum Uptime minus Downtime and divided by Maximum Uptime.

Examples of Uptime Percentage in a sentence

  • The Uptime Percentage is calculated using the following formula: where Downtime is measured in user-minutes; that is, for each Applicable Period, Downtime is the sum of the length (in minutes) of each Incident that occurs during that Applicable Period multiplied by the number of users impacted by that Incident.

  • Uptime Percentage: The Uptime Percentage is calculated using the following formula: where Downtime is measured in user-minutes; that is, for each Applicable Period, Downtime is the sum of the length (in minutes) of each Incident that occurs during that Applicable Period multiplied by the number of users impacted by that Incident.

  • Uptime Percentage (Premium SSD, Premium SSD v2, and Ultra Disk)** Uptime Percentage (Standard SSD Managed Disk) Uptime Percentage (Standard HDD Managed Disk) Service Credit **Premium SSD for all Operating System Disks, and Premium SSD, Premium SSD v2 or Ultra Disk for all Data Disks.

  • If Adobe fails to maintain an Uptime Percentage of ≥ 90% for any individual Covered Service for any 3 months in a 6-month period (“Minimum Level of Service”), Customer may terminate that single affected Covered Service upon 10 days written notice to Adobe from the date there is a failure to meet the Minimum Level of Service.

  • Failure to achieve the Minimum Uptime Percentage for the Covered Service will result in the Service Credit % applicable to each Covered Service, subject to a maximum cumulative Service Credit % of 25% of total Monthly Fees for the Covered Service (regardless of the number of individual service failures in the applicable month).

More Definitions of Uptime Percentage

Uptime Percentage means Uptime expressed as a percentage, calculated in accordance with the following formula: Uptime Percentage = X /(Y–Z) × 100 Where: X = Uptime Y = Measured Period Z = The duration (in minutes) of any SLA Exclusions during the applicable Measured Period
Uptime Percentage is calculated as Maximum Available Minutes less Downtime divided by Maximum Available Minutes multiplied by 100. Uptime Percentage is represented by the following formula: Maximum Available Minutes-Downtime Maximum Available Minutes 𝑥 100 The following Service Levels and Service Credits are applicable to Customer’s use of Azure Monitor Alerts Uptime Percentage Service Credit < 99.9% 10% < 99% 25% Uptime Calculation and Service Levels for the Azure Monitor Notification Delivery Additional Definitions: “Action Group” is a collection of actions which defines preferred notification delivery methods. “Maximum Available Minutes” is the sum of all Deployment Minutes which Action Groups are deployed by Customer in a given Microsoft Azure subscription during an Applicable Period. Downtime: is the total number of minutes within Maximum Available Minutes during which the Action Group is unavailable. A minute is considered unavailable for a given Action Group if all continuous attempts to send alerts or perform registration management operations with respect to the Action Group throughout the minute either return an Error Code or do not result in a Success Code within five minutes. Uptime Percentage: is calculated as Maximum Available Minutes less Downtime divided by Maximum Available Minutes in an Applicable Period for a given Microsoft Azure subscription. Uptime Percentage is represented by the following formula: Service Levels and Service Credits: Maximum Available Minutes-Downtime Maximum Available Minutes 𝑥 100 Uptime Percentage Service Credit < 99.9% 10% < 99% 25% Also refer to Log Analytics and Application Insights. Monthly Uptime Calculation and Service Levels for the Azure Monitor managed service for Prometheus Additional Definitions: “Maximum Available Minutes” is the total number of minutes that a given Azure Monitor workspace has been deployed by Customer in a given Microsoft Azure subscription during a billing month. Downtime: is the total number of minutes within Maximum Available Minutes that data in a given Azure Monitor workspace are unavailable. A minute is considered unavailable for a given Azure Monitor workspace if all continuous attempts to retrieve Prometheus metric data throughout the minute result in either an Error Code or do not return any HTTP code within 60 seconds.
Uptime Percentage for the Azure Database for MySQL is calculated as Maximum Available Minutes less Downtime divided by Maximum Available Minutes. The Uptime Percentage is calculated using the following formula: Maximum Available Minutes-Downtime Maximum Available Minutes 𝑥 100 The following Service Levels and Service Credits are applicable to Customer’s use of Azure Database for MySQL – Single Server: Uptime Percentage Service Credit < 99.99% 10% < 99% 25% < 95% 100%
Uptime Percentage is calculated as Maximum Available Minutes less Downtime divided by Maximum Available Minutes in an Applicable Period for a given Microsoft Azure subscription. Uptime Percentage is represented by the following formula: Maximum Available Minutes-Downtime Maximum Available Minutes 𝑥 100 The following Service Levels and Service Credits are applicable to Customer’s use of AKS Clusters that don't have Availability Zones enabled: Uptime Percentage Service Credit < 99.9% 10% < 99% 25% < 95% 100% Table of Contents / Definitions Azure Lab Services Additional Definitions: “Lab Virtual Machine(s)” is defined as any virtual machine provisioned inside a lab in Azure Lab Services.
Uptime Percentage. The Uptime Percentage is calculated using the following formula: Maximum Available Minutes-Downtime Maximum Available Minutes 𝑥 100 The following Service Levels and Service Credits are applicable to Customer's use of Azure Load Testing: Uptime Percentage Service Credit < 99.9% 10% < 99% 25% Table of Contents / Definitions Log Analytics (Query Availability SLA) Additional Definitions: "Maximum Available Minutes" is the total number of minutes that a given Log Analytics Workspace has been deployed by Customer in a Microsoft Azure subscription during an Applicable Period.
Uptime Percentage means the total number of minutes in a calendar month minus the number of minutes of Downtime experienced in such calendar month, divided by the total number of minutes in such calendar month.
Uptime Percentage. The Uptime Percentage is calculated using the following formula: Service Credit Maximum Available Minutes-Downtime Maximum Available Minutes 𝑥 100 Uptime Percentage Service Credit < 99.99% 10% < 99% 25% Table of Contents / Definitions Network Watcher Additional Definitions: