Munich Re definition
Examples of Munich Re in a sentence
TERM EXPIRE EXPOSURE BASE --- ----------------- -------------- ------------- ---- ------ ------------- 13 Property Damage, $ Total insured values combined Munich Re: et.
No entity within the Munich Re Group shall have any duty or obligation to take into account any impact in the performance of the Index when effecting transactions in such instruments and assets.
Where a reputational risk could potentially have an impact on Munich Re, central divisions at Group level are involved in the assessment.
Munich Re Group Annual Report 2019 Operational riskWe define operational risk as the risk of losses resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, incidents caused by the actions of personnel or system malfunctions, or external events.
Upon ten (10) years of service with the Town of New Castle, employees who retire or leave the employ of the Town shall receive $30 per day for accumulated sick time not to exceed 200 days under the following schedule: Up to 50 days 25% of those accumulated sick days 51 - 100 days 50% of those accumulated sick days 101 - 200 days 75% of those accumulated sick days As an example of the foregoing, an employee having 200 days of accrued sick time shall be entitled to 150.00 days x $ 30.00, or $4,500.00.
The agreement amending the profit transfer agreement will then be presented to the Annual General Meeting of Munich Re for approval on 30 April 2014.
Options on Munich Re and Allianz have a contract size of 50 shares.Minimum Price Change The minimum price change for options is EUR 0.01.
Economic reasons underlying the profit transfer agreement Under the existing profit transfer agreement, profits and losses of the Intermediate Holding Company are imputed to Munich Re for commercial and tax law purposes.
Since Munich Re is the sole shareholder in the Intermediate Holding Company, it was not necessary to review the agreement and present an auditor's report, as required by §§ 293b et seq.
In the event that Munich Re, U.S. (Life) does not respond within thirty (30) days, Munich Re, U.S. (Life) shall be deemed to have accepted such change.