Municipal Business Licence definition
Examples of Municipal Business Licence in a sentence
Any Participating Municipality may require that the holder of an Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence also obtain a Municipal Business Licence for any Premises that are maintained by the licence holder within the jurisdiction of the Participating Municipality.
The suspension or cancellation of an Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence under section 12 or 13 will not affect the authority of a Participating Municipality to issue a Municipal Business Licence, other than an Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence, to the holder of the suspended or cancelled Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence.
The successful Consultant will be required to have a District of Kent business license or provide proof of registration in the Fraser Valley Inter- Municipal Business Licence Program.
Notwithstanding that a TNS Business may hold an Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence that would make it unnecessary to obtain a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business in the Participating Municipalities, the TNS Business must still comply with all orders and regulations under any municipal business licence by-law in addition to those under any other by-laws, regulations, or provincial or federal laws that may apply within any jurisdiction in which the TNS Business carries on Business.
Any fees paid by an applicant to any Participating Municipality for a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business prior to the availability of the Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence that are not refunded by that Participating Municipality will be credited against the initial Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence fee owing under this section 8.
Subject to the provisions of this Bylaw, each Participating Municipality will permit a TNS Business that has obtained an Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence to carry on the Business of providing Transportation Network Services within that Participating Municipality for the term authorized by the Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence without obtaining a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business in that Participating Municipality.
Subject to the provisions of this By-law, each Participating Municipality will permit a TNS Business that has obtained an Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence to carry on the Business of providing Transportation Network Services within that Participating Municipality for the term authorized by the Inter-municipal TNS Business Licence without obtaining a Municipal Business Licence for the TNS Business in that Participating Municipality.
Nothing in this By-law affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any Municipal Business Licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community Charter or sections 272, 273, 279A, 279A.1, 279B, and 279C of the Vancouver Charter.
Inter-Community Business to be carried on within the boundaries of any or all of the Participating Municipalities in accordance with this Bylaw and will be in addition to a Municipal Business Licence.
Nothing in this Bylaw affects the authority of a Participating Municipality to suspend or cancel any Municipal Business Licence issued by that municipality or to enact regulations in respect of any category of Business under section 15 of the Community Charter or sections 272, 273, 279A, 279A.1, 279B, and 279C of the Vancouver Charter.