Examples of Municipal Revitalization Index in a sentence
Selection criteria include: • Municipal Distress: The relative need of an applicant will be evaluated by using the Statewide Municipal Revitalization Index (MRI), which appears in the Small Cities Action Plan.
Gotham's Municipal Revitalization Index (MRI) score, a measure of a municipality's economic conditions, is 25 out of a possible 100, which ranks 314th of New Jersey's 564 municipalities (Sustainable JerseyCommunity Profile Data by Municipality).
Municipal Revitalization Index Score (0 to 10 points) – The Municipal Revitalization Index (MRI) serves as the State’s official measure and ranking of municipal distress.
DCA, 2020 Municipal Revitalization Index – Alphabetical (2020), https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nj.gov%2Fdca%2Fhome%2F2020_MRI_Scores_and_Rankings.xlsx&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK.
These counties were deemed eligible to participate in the program, in part, based on the Municipal Revitalization Index rankings of the municipalities within their borders, which measure municipal distress based on indicators of diverse aspects of social, economic, physical, and fiscal conditions.