Examples of Social Maladjustment in a sentence
The Resistance Scale was validated with MMPI Ego Strength (ES), Social Responsibility (RE), Social Maladjustment (SOC), Social Alienation (PD4), Social Alienation (SCIA), Authority Conflict (AUT) and Suspiciousness (TSC-III).
The Borrower and the Lender now desire to further amend the Original Agreement in certain respects as hereinafter provided, to increase the revolving line of credit loan under the Original Agreement, to provide for an additional $400,000.00 advance/term loan and to modify certain other provisions of the Original Agreement, all as more particularly set forth herein.
The Stress Coping Abilities Scale was validated with the Taylor Manifest Anxiety, Psychasthenia, Social Maladjustment, and Social Alienation scales.
The Resistance Scale was validated with the MMPI Social Maladjustment (SOC), Authority Conflict (AUT), Authority Problems (PD2), Suspiciousness (TSC-III) and Social Alienation (SCIA).
The expected correlations with Social Maladjustment (SOC), Authority Problems (AUT), Suspiciousness (TSC-III), TSC-V (Resentment) and Authority Problems (PD) was not demonstrated.
Before the enactment of JJ Act 2000, GoI provided financial assistance under the scheme titled, 'Prevention and Control of Juvenile Social Maladjustment (PCJSM)'.
The interpretation of the law for undertaking intervention by school in aforementioned cases is “Procedures of teachers course of action and cooperation bet- ween schools and police in situations endangering children and youth with demorali- zation and crime” – a module programme of “the National Programme for Preventing Social Maladjustment and Crime among Children and Youth” implemented in schools in Poland since 2004.
The mean···age of the total suG.jects was 24.92 and the mean of education for the two groups was 10.5. The subscales used were; Social Maladjustment, Depression, Feminine Interests, Poor Morale, Religious Fundamentalism, Authority Conflict,.
Compliance with the requirements contained within this NPD is continuously monitored by the Centers and by the SMA Technical Authority.
Considerations for an Emotional Disturbance concern:There are definite differences between an Emotional Disturbance and Social Maladjustment.